HCUP-3 Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) Release 2, 1993 Record Layout Information This sub-directory contains electronic copies of the record layouts for the following files: - Inpatient Stay Core Files RECL_A -- record layout for File A RECL_B -- record layout for File B RECL_C -- record layout for File C RECL_DX -- record layout for File DX (diagnoses) RECL_PR -- record layout for File PR (procedures) - 10% Inpatient Stay Subsample Files RECLSABC -- record layout for File ABC RECLS_DX -- record layout for File DX (diagnoses) RECLS_PR -- record layout for File PR (diagnoses) - Casemix Counts Files RECLCMDR -- record layout for Hospital-level counts, by DRG10 (Diagnosis-Related Groups, Version 10) RECLCMDC -- record layout for Hospital-level counts, by DCCHPR1 (Principal Diagnosis Category) RECLCMPC -- record layout for Hospital-level counts, by PCCHPR1 (Principal Procedure Category) - Hospital Weights File RECLWT Information is provided in the format shown below: Field Position Variable Number (Order) 1- 3 Variable Name 5-12 Starting Position 14-16 Ending Position 18-20 Number of Decimal Places 22 Variable Type 24-27 Variable Label 29-68