Exhibit 2.11. Influenza Characteristics of All Hospital Stays and Stays with a Principal Diagnosis of Influenza, 2005
Characteristics All Hospital Stays Hospital Stays for Influenza
Number of discharges in thousands 39,163.8 50.0
Number of days in thousands 181,446.6 207.3
Average length of stay in days 4.6 4.1
Mean cost per hospitalization $7,900 $5,400
Mean hospital cost per day $1,700 $1,300
Aggregate costs for U.S. in millions $310,916.1906 $271.9647
Admission source and discharge status
Admissions through the emergency department in thousands 16,645.1 33.9
Percent of admissions through the emergency department 42.5% 67.7%
In-hospital deaths 818,800 800
Percent died in hospital 2.1% 1.6%
Percent of discharges by age group
Percent < 1 year (excluding newborns)* 2% 11%
Percent 1-64 years 53% 38%
Percent 65 years and above 34% 51%
Standard Errors
Number of discharges in thousands 765.017 2.331279
Number of days in thousands 3,425.351 10.544
Average length of stay in days 0.0 0.1
Mean cost per hospitalization $151 $136
Mean hospital cost per day $28 $24
Aggregate costs for U.S. in millions $8,017.61398 $15.430878
Admission source and discharge status
Admissions through the emergency department in thousands 430.089 1.945
Percent admitted through the emergency department 0.7 1.5
In-hospital deaths 19,864 79
Percent died in hospital 0.0 0.1
Source: AHRQ, Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, Nationwide Inpatient Sample, 2005.
*Newborns accounted for 11 percent of all hospital discharges.

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