/**************************************************************/ /* Title: CREATION OF FORMAT LIBRARY FOR COMORBIDITY GROUPS */ /* */ /* Description: */ /* Define all ICD codes and labels for each format */ /**************************************************************/ /***************************************************/ /* Define the subdirectory for the FORMAT library */ /* Output file: C:\COMORB\FMTLIB\FORMATS.sc2 */ /***************************************************/ libname library 'C:\COMORB\FMTLIB\'; TITLE1 'CREATE FORMAT LIBRARY OF ICD CODES AND LABELS'; PROC FORMAT LIB=library; VALUE $RCOMFMT "39891", "40211", "40291", "40411", "40413", "40491", "40493", "4280 "-"4289 " = "CHF" /* Congestive heart failure */ "42610", "42611", "42613", "4262 "-"42653", "4266 "-"42689", "4270 ", "4272 ", "42731", "42760", "4279 ", "7850 ", "V450 "-"V4509", "V533 "-"V5339" = "ARYTHM" /* Cardiac arrhythmias */ "09320"-"09324", "3940 "-"3971 ", "4240 "-"42491", "7463 "-"7466 ", "V422 ", "V433 " = "VALVE" /* Valvular disease */ "4160 "-"4169 ", "4179 " = "PULMCIRC" /* Pulmonary circulation disorder */ "4400 "-"4409 ", "4412 ", "4414 ", "4417 ", "4419 ", "4431 "-"4439 ", "4471 ", "5571 ", "5579 ", "V434 " = "PERIVASC" /* Peripheral vascular disorder */ "4011 ", "4019 " = "HTN" /* Hypertension, uncomplicated */ "40210", "40290", "40410", "40490", "40511", "40519", "40591", "40599" = "HTNCX" /* Hypertension, complicated */ "3420 "-"34212", "3429 "-"3449 " = "PARA" /* Paralysis */ "3319 ", "3320 ", "3334 ", "3335 ", "3340 "-"3359 ", "340 ", "3411 "-"3419 ", "34500"-"34511", "34540"-"34551", "34580"-"34591", "3481 ", "3483 ", "7803 ", "7843 " = "NEURO" /* Other neurological */ "490 "-"4928 ", "49300"-"49391", "494 "-"4941 ", "4950 "-"505 ", "5064 " = "CHRNLUNG" /* Chronic pulmonary disease */ "25000"-"25033" = "DM" /* Diabetes */ "25040"-"25073", "25090"-"25093" = "DMCX" /* Diabetes, complicated */ "243 "-"2442 ", "2448 ", "2449 " = "HYPOTHY" /* Hypothyroidism */ "40311", "40391", "40412", "40492", "585 ", "586 ", "V420 ", "V451 ", "V560 ", "V568 " = "RENLFAIL" /* Renal failure */ "07032", "07033", "07054", "4560 ", "4561 ", "45620", "45621", "5710 ", "5712 ", "5713 ", "57140"-"57149", "5715 ", "5716 ", "5718 ", "5719 ", "5723 ", "5728 ", "V427 " = "LIVER" /* Liver disease */ "53170", "53190", "53270", "53290", "53370", "53390", "53470", "53490", "V1271" = "ULCER" /* Peptic ulcer disease including bleeding */ "042 "-"0449 " = "AIDS" /* HIV and AIDS */ "20000"-"20238", "20250"-"20301", "2038 "-"20381", "2386 ", "2733 ", "V1071", "V1072", "V1079" = "LYMPH" /* Lymphoma */ "1960 "-"1991 " = "METS" /* Metastatic cancer */ "1400 "-"1729 ", "1740 "-"1759 ", "179 "-"1958 ", "V1000"-"V1059", "V1081"-"V109 " = "TUMOR" /* Solid tumor without metastasis */ "7010 ", "7100 "-"7109 ", "7140 "-"7149 ", "7200 "-"7209 ", "725 " = "ARTH" /* Rheumatoid arthritis/collagen vascular diseases */ "2860 "-"2869 ", "2871 ", "2873 "-"2875 " = "COAG" /* Coagulopathy */ "2780 ", "27800", "27801" = "OBESE" /* Obesity */ "260 "-"2639 " = "WGHTLOSS" /* Weight loss */ "2760 "-"2769 " = "LYTES" /* Fluid and elctrolyte disorders */ "2800 " = "BLDLOSS" /* Blood loss anemia */ "2801 "-"2819 ", "2859 " = "ANEMDEF" /* Deficiency anemias */ "2911 ", "2912 ", "2915 ", "2918 ", "29181", "29189", "2919 ", "30390"-"30393", "30500"-"30503", "V113 " = "ALCOHOL" /* Alcohol abuse */ "2920 ", "29282"-"29289", "2929 ", "30400"-"30493", "30520"-"30593" = "DRUG" /* Drug abuse */ "29500"-"2989 ", "29910", "29911" = "PSYCH" /* Psychoses */ "3004 ", "30112", "3090 ", "3091 ", "311 " = "DEPRESS" /* Depression */ ; /** DRG Formats **/ VALUE CARD1DRG /* Cardiac--Flag 1 */ 103-108,110-112,115-118,120-127,129,132,133, 135-143 = "YES" ; VALUE CARD2DRG /* Cardiac--Flag 2 */ 103-108,110-112,115-118,120-127,129,132,133, 135-143,525 = "YES" ; VALUE PERIDRG /* Peripheral vascular */ 130,131 = "YES" ; VALUE RENALDRG /* Renal */ 302-305,315-333 = "YES" ; VALUE NERVDRG /* Nervous system */ 1-35,524 = "YES" ; VALUE CEREDRG /* Cerebrovascular */ 5,14-17,524 = "YES" ; VALUE PULMDRG /* COPD asthma */ 88,96-98 = "YES" ; VALUE DIABDRG /* Diabetes */ 294,295 = "YES" ; VALUE HYPODRG /* Thyroid endocrine */ 290,300,301 = "YES"; VALUE RENFDRG /* Kidney transp, renal fail/dialysis */ 302,316,317 = "YES" ; VALUE LIVERDRG /* Liver */ 199-202,205-208 = "YES" ; VALUE ULCEDRG /* GI hemorrhage or ulcer */ 174-178 = "YES" ; VALUE HIVDRG /* Human immunodeficiency virus */ 488,489,490 = "YES" ; VALUE LEUKDRG /* Leukemia/lymphoma */ 400-414,473,492 = "YES" ; VALUE CANCDRG /* Cancer, lymphoma */ 10,11,64,82,172,173,199,203,239, 257-260,274,275,303,318,319, 338,344,346,347,354,355,357,363,366, 367,406-414 = "YES" ; VALUE ARTHDRG /* Connective tissue */ 240,241 = "YES" ; VALUE NUTRDRG /* Nutrition/metabolic */ 296-298 = "YES" ; VALUE ANEMDRG /* Anemia */ 395,396 = "YES"; VALUE ALCDRG /* Alcohol drug */ 433-437 = "YES" ; RUN;