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Sources of NIS Data and State-Specific Restrictions 2003


Arizona Department of Health Services

No restrictions


Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development

Confidentiality of Records

  • To meet California confidentiality requirements, admission month (AMONTH), age in days, (AGEDAY), age in years (AGE), sex (FEMALE), and race (RACE), are suppressed for some records. In some cases, AGE was suppressed, but an age category was available. In these cases, we set AGE to the midpoint of the best available age category.

Colorado Health & Hospital Association

No restrictions



Confidentiality of Hospitals

    CHIME will be notified if more than 50% of their hospitals appear in any year of the NIS data.

    • Twenty-nine percent (29%) of the hospitals were sampled in the 2003 NIS; there was no need to notify the data source.

    Confidentiality of Physicians

    CHIME does not allow the release of physician identifiers. Beginning with 2000 data, CHIME did not supply physician identifiers to HCUP.


Florida Agency for Health Care Administration

Confidentiality of Records

  • Florida does not allow the release of admission month (AMONTH). In 2003, Florida did not supply admission month to HCUP.
  • Florida requested that age in days at admission (AGEDAY) be set to missing in the NIS.


GHA: An Association of Hospitals & Health Systems

Confidentiality of Hospitals

    To meet Georgia confidentiality requirements, hospitals were dropped from the sampling frame whenever there were fewer than two hospitals in a sampling stratum.

    • In the 2003 NIS, one hospital needed to be dropped from the sampling frame.

    Georgia requested that hospitals not be identified in the NIS. The following data elements are set to missing for all Georgia hospitals:

    • DSHOSPID, data source hospital identifier
    • HOSPSTCO, hospital state, county FIPS code
    • IDNUMBER, AHA hospital identifier without leading 6
    • AHAID, AHA hospital identifier with leading 6
    • HOSPNAME, hospital name
    • HOSPCITY, hospital city
    • HOSPADDR, hospital address
    • HOSPZIP, hospital ZIP Code

    In order to further ensure the confidentiality of hospitals, stratifier data elements were set to missing if the cell, as defined by

    • HOSP_CONTROL, control/ownership of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCATION, location (urban/rural) of hospital
    • HOSP_TEACH, teaching status of hospital
    • HOSP_BEDSIZE, bed size of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCTEACH, location/teaching status of hospital

    had fewer than two hospitals in the universe of Georgia hospitals.
Confidentiality of Records

    Georgia requested that the patient’s race (RACE) be set to missing in the NIS.

Confidentiality of Physicians

    Georgia requested that the following data elements be set to missing in the NIS:

    • First synthetic physician identifier (MDNUM1_R beginning in 2003, MDNUM1_S, from 2001 to 2002, or MDID_S, prior to 2001) and
    • Second synthetic physician identifier (MDNUM2_R beginning in 2003, MDNUM2_S, from 2001 to 2002, or SURGID_S, prior to 2001).


Hawaii Health Information Corporation

Confidentiality of Hospitals

    Some Hawaii hospitals were dropped from the sampling frame to meet confidentiality requirements. Hospitals were dropped from the sampling frame whenever there were fewer than two hospitals in a sampling stratum.

    • In the 2003 NIS, 4 out of 20 hospitals needed to be dropped from the sampling frame.

    Hawaii requested that hospitals not be identified in the NIS database. The following data elements are set to missing for all Hawaii hospitals:

    • DSHOSPID, data source hospital identifier
    • HOSPSTCO, hospital state, county FIPS code
    • IDNUMBER, AHA hospital identifier without leading 6
    • AHAID, AHA hospital identifier with leading 6
    • HOSPNAME, hospital name
    • HOSPCITY, hospital city
    • HOSPADDR, hospital address
    • HOSPZIP, hospital ZIP Code.

    In order to further ensure the confidentiality of hospitals, stratifier data elements were set to missing if the cell, as defined by

    • HOSP_CONTROL, control/ownership of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCATION, location (urban/rural) of hospital
    • HOSP_TEACH, teaching status of hospital
    • HOSP_BEDSIZE, bed size of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCTEACH, location/teaching status of hospital

    had fewer than two hospitals in the universe of Hawaii hospitals.


Iowa Hospital Association

Missing Discharges

  Beginning in data year 2001, the Iowa Hospital Association prohibits the release of two types of discharges:
    • HIV Infections (defined by MDC of 25) and
    • Behavioral Health including chemical dependency care or psychiatric care (defined by a service code of BHV).

    These discharges were not included in the source file provided to HCUP and are therefore not included in the NIS.


Illinois Department of Public Health (beginning in 2002)
Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council (prior to 2002)

Confidentiality of Hospitals

    Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council requested that no more than 40% of Illinois discharges appear in any discharge quarter of NIS data.

    • Twenty-three percent (23%) of the discharges in Illinois were sampled in the 2003 NIS. No hospitals were dropped from the sampling frame.
Confidentiality of Physicians

    Illinois does not allow the release of physician identifiers. Beginning with 1995 data, Illinois did not supply physician identifiers to HCUP.


Indiana Hospital & Health Association

Confidentiality of Hospitals

    To meet Indiana confidentiality requirements, hospitals were dropped from the sampling frame whenever there were fewer than two hospitals in a sampling stratum.

    • In the 2003 NIS, one out of 107 hospitals needed to be dropped from the sampling frame.

    Indiana requested that hospitals not be identified in the NIS database. The following data elements are set to missing for all Indiana hospitals:

    • DSHOSPID, data source hospital identifier
    • HOSPSTCO, hospital state, county FIPS code
    • IDNUMBER, AHA hospital identifier without leading 6
    • AHAID, AHA hospital identifier with leading 6
    • HOSPNAME, hospital name
    • HOSPCITY, hospital city
    • HOSPADDR, hospital address
    • HOSPZIP, hospital ZIP Code.

    In order to further ensure the confidentiality of hospitals, stratifier data elements were set to missing if the cell, as defined by

    • HOSP_CONTROL, control/ownership of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCATION, location (urban/rural) of hospital
    • HOSP_TEACH, teaching status of hospital
    • HOSP_BEDSIZE, bed size of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCTEACH, location/teaching status of hospital

    had fewer than two hospitals in the universe of Indiana hospitals.


Kansas Hospital Association

Confidentiality of Hospitals

    Kansas requested that hospitals not be identified in the NIS. The following data elements are set to missing for all Kansas hospitals:

    • DSHOSPID, data source hospital identifier
    • HOSPSTCO, hospital state, county FIPS code
    • IDNUMBER, AHA hospital identifier without leading 6
    • AHAID, AHA hospital identifier with leading 6
    • HOSPNAME, hospital name
    • HOSPCITY, hospital city
    • HOSPADDR, hospital address
    • HOSPZIP, hospital ZIP Code.


Kentucky Department for Public Health

No restrictions


Division of Health Care Finance and Policy

Confidentiality of Records

    Massachusetts requested that age in days at admission (AGEDAY) be set to missing in the NIS.
Confidentiality of Physicians

    Massachusetts requested that the following data elements be set to missing in the NIS:

    • First synthetic physician identifier (MDNUM1_R beginning in 2003, MDNUM1_S, from 2001 to 2002, or MDID_S, prior to 2001) and
    • Second synthetic physician identifier (MDNUM2_R beginning in 2003, MDNUM2_S, from 2001 to 2002, or SURGID_S, prior to 2001).


Health Services Cost Review Commission

No restrictions


Maine Health Data Organization
(Data not available in the 2003 NIS)

No restrictions


Michigan Health & Hospital Association

Confidentiality of Hospitals

    Some Michigan hospitals were dropped from the sampling frame for two reasons:

    • To meet Michigan confidentiality requirements, hospitals were to be dropped from the sampling frame whenever there were fewer than two hospitals in a sampling stratum. In the 2003 NIS, no hospitals needed to be dropped from the sampling frame.

    • 33 out of 132 hospitals were dropped from the sampling frame because they did not report total charges. These hospitals were fairly evenly distributed by hospital type. There were no sampling strata in the state containing only hospitals without total charges.

    Michigan requested that hospitals not be identified in the NIS database. The following data elements are set to missing for all Michigan hospitals:

    • DSHOSPID, data source hospital identifier
    • HOSPSTCO, hospital state, county FIPS code
    • IDNUMBER, AHA hospital identifier without leading 6
    • AHAID, AHA hospital identifier with leading 6
    • HOSPNAME, hospital name
    • HOSPCITY, hospital city
    • HOSPADDR, hospital address
    • HOSPZIP, hospital ZIP Code

    In order to further ensure the confidentiality of hospitals, stratifier data elements were set to missing if the cell, as defined by

    • HOSP_CONTROL, control/ownership of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCATION, location (urban/rural) of hospital
    • HOSP_TEACH, teaching status of hospital
    • HOSP_BEDSIZE, bedsize of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCTEACH, location/teaching status of hospital

    had fewer than two hospitals in the universe of Michigan hospitals.


Minnesota Hospital Association

No restrictions


Hospital Industry Data Institute

Confidentiality of Hospitals

    Missouri hospitals were dropped from the sampling frame if they did not give their permission to be included.

    • In the 2003 NIS, no hospitals needed to be dropped from the sampling frame because they did not give permission to be included.


North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services

Confidentiality of Physicians

    North Carolina requested that the following data elements be set to missing in the NIS:

    • First synthetic physician identifier, MDNUM1_S, from 2001 to 2002, and MDNUM1_R, beginning in 2003
    • Second synthetic physician identifier, MDNUM2_S, from 2001 to 2002, and MDNUM2_R, beginning in 2003.


Nebraska Hospital Association

Confidentiality of Hospitals

    Some Nebraska hospitals were dropped from the sampling frame for two reasons:

    • To meet Nebraska confidentiality requirements, hospitals were dropped from the sampling frame whenever there were fewer than two hospitals in a sampling stratum. In the 2003 NIS, one out of 83 hospitals needed to be dropped from the sampling frame.

    • Three out of 83 hospitals were dropped from the sampling frame because they had incomplete data and were missing a high percentage of Medicare Discharges.

    Nebraska requested that hospitals not be identified in the NIS database. The following data elements are set to missing for all Nebraska hospitals:

    • DSHOSPID, data source hospital identifier
    • HOSPSTCO, hospital state, county FIPS code
    • IDNUMBER, AHA hospital identifier without leading 6
    • AHAID, AHA hospital identifier with leading 6
    • HOSPNAME, hospital name
    • HOSPCITY, hospital city
    • HOSPADDR, hospital address
    • HOSPZIP, hospital ZIP Code

    In order to further ensure the confidentiality of hospitals, stratifier data elements were set to missing if the cell, as defined by

    • HOSP_CONTROL, control/ownership of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCATION, location (urban/rural) of hospital
    • HOSP_TEACH, teaching status of hospital
    • HOSP_BEDSIZE, bedsize of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCTEACH, location/teaching status of hospital

    had fewer than two hospitals in the universe of Nebraska hospitals.
Missing Discharges

    The Nebraska Hospital Association prohibits the release of discharge records for patients with HIV diagnoses. These discharges were not included in the source file provided to HCUP and are therefore not included in the NIS.


New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services

Confidentiality of Records

    New Hampshire requested that age in days at admission (AGEDAY) be set to missing in the NIS.


New Jersey Department of Health & Senior Services

No restrictions


Nevada Department of Human Resources

No restrictions


York State Department of Health

No restrictions


Ohio Hospital Association

Confidentiality of Hospitals

    To meet Ohio confidentiality requirements, hospitals were to be dropped from the sampling frame whenever there were fewer than two hospitals in a sampling stratum.

    • In the 2003 NIS, no hospitals needed to be dropped from the sampling frame.

    Ohio requested that hospitals not be identified in the NIS database. The following data elements are set to missing for all Ohio hospitals:

    • DSHOSPID, data source hospital identifier
    • HOSPSTCO, hospital state, county FIPS code
    • IDNUMBER, AHA hospital identifier without leading 6
    • AHAID, AHA hospital identifier with leading 6
    • HOSPNAME, hospital name
    • HOSPCITY, hospital city
    • HOSPADDR, hospital address
    • HOSPZIP, hospital ZIP Code.

    In order to further ensure the confidentiality of hospitals, stratifier data elements were set to missing if the cell, as defined by

    • HOSP_CONTROL, control/ownership of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCATION, location (urban/rural) of hospital
    • HOSP_TEACH, teaching status of hospital
    • HOSP_BEDSIZE, bedsize of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCTEACH, location/teaching status of hospital

    had fewer than two hospitals in the universe of Ohio hospitals.


Oregon Association of Hospitals & Health Systems

No restrictions


Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council

Confidentiality of Records

    Pennsylvania requested that patient age (AGE) be set to the midpoint of 5-year intervals for records in the NIS with the following sensitive conditions: abortion, AIDS, mental illness, substance abuse and venereal disease. For cases with age in days (AGEDAY) greater than or equal to 0, AGEDAY will be set to missing. These sensitive conditions are defined by DRG, diagnoses, or procedure codes as specified in the table below:
Pennsylvania Restriction on AGE for Records with Sensitive Conditions
Condition DRGs or Diagnoses or Procedures
Abortion 380-381 635-6399
AIDS/HIV 488-490 042
Psychiatric 424-432 290-3029
Substance Abuse 433-437
Venereal Disease N/A 0900-0999

Pennsylvania Restriction on Disease Severity Measures

    No disease severity adjustment data elements are included for Pennsylvania discharges in the 2003 NIS.
Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council
Publishing Disclaimer Requirement

    The Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council requires that the following three paragraphs are listed in any publication that includes results derived from Pennsylvania data:

    The Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4) is an independent state agency responsible for addressing the problem of escalating health costs, ensuring the quality of healthcare, and increasing access to healthcare for all citizens regardless of ability to pay. PHC4 has provided data to this entity in an effort to further PHC4's mission of educating the public and containing healthcare costs in Pennsylvania.

    PHC4, its agents and staff, have made no representation, guarantee, or warranty, express or implied, that the data: financial, patient, payor, and physician specific information provided to this entity, are error-free, or that the use of the data will avoid differences of opinion or interpretation.

    This analysis was not prepared by PHC4. This analysis was done by [Entity Name]. PHC4, its agents and staff, bear no responsibility or liability for the results of the analysis, which are solely the opinion of this entity.


Rhode Island Department of Health

No restrictions


South Carolina State Budget & Control Board

Confidentiality of Hospitals

    Some South Carolina hospitals were dropped from the sampling frame to meet confidentiality requirements. Hospitals were dropped from the sampling frame whenever there were fewer than two hospitals in a sampling stratum.

    • In the 2003 NIS, seven out of 57 hospitals needed to be dropped from the sampling frame in order to protect the confidentiality of the hospitals.

    South Carolina requested that hospitals not be identified in the NIS database. The following data elements are set to missing for all South Carolina hospitals:

    • DSHOSPID, data source hospital identifier
    • HOSPSTCO, hospital state, county FIPS code
    • IDNUMBER, AHA hospital identifier without leading 6
    • AHAID, AHA hospital identifier with leading 6
    • HOSPNAME, hospital name
    • HOSPCITY, hospital city
    • HOSPADDR, hospital address
    • HOSPZIP, hospital ZIP Code.

    In order to further ensure the confidentiality of hospitals, stratifier data elements were set to missing if the cell, as defined by

    • HOSP_CONTROL, control/ownership of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCATION, location (urban/rural) of hospital
    • HOSP_TEACH, teaching status of hospital
    • HOSP_BEDSIZE, bedsize of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCTEACH, location/teaching status of hospital

    had fewer than two hospitals in the universe of South Carolina hospitals.
Confidentiality of Records

    South Carolina requested that age in days at admission (AGEDAY) be set to missing in the NIS.


South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations

Confidentiality of Hospitals

    Some South Dakota hospitals were dropped from the sampling frame to meet confidentiality requirements. Hospitals were dropped from the sampling frame whenever there were fewer than two hospitals in a sampling stratum.

    • In the 2003 NIS, two out of 47 hospitals needed to be dropped from the sampling frame in order to protect the confidentiality of the hospitals.

    South Dakota requested that hospitals not be identified in the NIS database. The following data elements are set to missing for all South Dakota hospitals:

    • DSHOSPID, data source hospital identifier
    • HOSPSTCO, hospital state, county FIPS code
    • IDNUMBER, AHA hospital identifier without leading 6
    • AHAID, AHA hospital identifier with leading 6
    • HOSPNAME, hospital name
    • HOSPCITY, hospital city
    • HOSPADDR, hospital address
    • HOSPZIP, hospital ZIP Code.

    In order to further ensure the confidentiality of hospitals, stratifier data elements were set to missing if the cell, as defined by

    • HOSP_CONTROL, control/ownership of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCATION, location (urban/rural) of hospital
    • HOSP_TEACH, teaching status of hospital
    • HOSP_BEDSIZE, bedsize of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCTEACH, location/teaching status of hospital

    had fewer than two hospitals in the universe of South Dakota hospitals.


Tennessee Hospital Association

Confidentiality of Hospitals

    • Some Tennessee hospitals were dropped from the sampling frame to meet confidentiality requirements. Hospitals were dropped from the sampling frame whenever there were fewer than two hospitals in a sampling stratum.

    • In the 2003 NIS, no hospitals needed to be dropped from the sampling frame in order to protect the confidentiality of the hospitals.

    Tennessee requested that hospitals not be identified in the NIS database. The following data elements are set to missing for all Tennessee hospitals:

    • DSHOSPID, data source hospital identifier
    • HOSPSTCO, hospital state, county FIPS code
    • IDNUMBER, AHA hospital identifier without leading 6
    • AHAID, AHA hospital identifier with leading 6
    • HOSPNAME, hospital name
    • HOSPCITY, hospital city
    • HOSPADDR, hospital address
    • HOSPZIP, hospital ZIP Code.

    In order to further ensure the confidentiality of hospitals, stratifier data elements were set to missing if the cell, as defined by

    • HOSP_CONTROL, control/ownership of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCATION, location (urban/rural) of hospital
    • HOSP_TEACH, teaching status of hospital
    • HOSP_BEDSIZE, bedsize of hospital
    • HOSP_LOCTEACH, location/teaching status of hospital

    had fewer than two hospitals in the universe of Tennessee hospitals.


Texas Department of State Health Services (2003) Texas Health Care Information Council (prior to 2003)

Confidentiality of Hospitals

    Texas requested that hospitals not be identified in the NIS database. The following data elements are set to missing for all Texas hospitals:

    • DSHOSPID, data source hospital identifier
    • HOSPSTCO, hospital state, county FIPS code
    • IDNUMBER, AHA hospital identifier without leading 6
    • AHAID, AHA hospital identifier with leading 6
    • HOSPNAME, hospital name
    • HOSPCITY, hospital city
    • HOSPADDR, hospital address
    • HOSPZIP, hospital ZIP Code.

    Confidentiality of Records

    • Texas requested that age in days at admission (AGEDAY) be set to missing in the NIS.

    • Texas requested that age in years (AGE) be set to the midpoints of age ranges defined by THCIC. There are 22 age groups for the general patient population and 5 age groups for the HIV or alcohol/drug use patients. The age groups are shown below:

Texas Restriction on AGE for General Patient Population other than HIV or Drug/Alcohol Use Patients
Age Range New value of AGE
0 0
1-4 2
5-9 7
10-14 12
15-17 16
18-19 19
20-24 22
25-29 27
30-34 32
35-39 37
40-44 42
45-49 47
50-54 52
55-59 57
60-64 62
65-69 67
70-74 72
75-79 77
80-84 82
85-89 87
90 and above 90

Texas Restriction on AGE for HIV or Drug/Alcohol Use Patients
Age Range New value of AGE
0 0
1-17 8
18-44 31
45-64 54
65-74 69
75 and above 75
The HIV or drug/alcohol use patients are identified by any principal or secondary diagnosis code on the record having the first four characters equal to one of the values in the following list: ‘2910’, ‘2911’, ‘2912’, ‘2913’, ‘2914’, ‘2915’, ‘2918’, ‘2919’, ‘2920’, ‘2921’, ‘2922’, ‘2928’, ‘2929’, ‘3030’, ‘3039’, ‘3040’, ‘3041’, ‘3042’, ‘3043’, ‘3044’, ‘3045’, ‘3046’, ‘3047’, ‘3048’,‘3049’, ‘3050’, ‘3052’, ‘3053’, ‘3054’, ‘3055’, ‘3056’, ‘3057’, ‘3058’, ‘3059’, ‘7903’, and ‘042 ’.


Utah Department of Health

Confidentiality of Physicians

    Utah requested that the following data elements be set to missing in the NIS:

    • First synthetic physician identifier (MDNUM1_R, beginning in 2003, MDNUM1_S, from 2001 to 2002, or MDID_S, prior to 2001) and
    • Second synthetic physician identifier (MDNUM1_R, beginning in 2003, MDNUM2_S, from 2001 to 2002, or SURGID_S, prior to 2001).


Virginia Health Information

Confidentiality of Hospitals

    The Nationwide Inpatient Sample may not include more than 50% of the hospitals in Virginia.

    • Twenty-six percent (26%) of the hospitals in Virginia were sampled for the 2003 NIS.


Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems

Confidentiality of Physicians

    Vermont requested that the following data elements be set to missing in the NIS:

    • First synthetic physician identifier: MDNUM1_R, beginning in 2003, and MDNUM1_S, from 2001 to 2002, and
    • Second synthetic physician identifier: MDNUM2_R, beginning in 2003, and MDNUM2_S, from 2001 to 2002.


Washington State Department of Health

No restrictions


Wisconsin Department of Health & Family Services

No restrictions


West Virginia Health Care Authority

No restrictions


Internet Citation: 2003 NIS Data and State-Specific Restrictions. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). March 2006. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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Last modified 3/8/06