HCUP Findings-At-A-Glance provides a focused look at different topics across a broad range of health policy issues related to hospital use and costs. Some Findings-At-A-Glance will report a one-time examination of a specific topic. Others will be updated periodically with the latest data.
Select Findings-At-A-Glance are illustrated in HCUP Infographics.
- Rate of COVID-19-Related Inpatient Stays Per 100,000 Population by Patient's State of Residence, April-December 2020 (PDF file, 1.62 MB)
- Adult, Nonmaternal Inpatient Stays Related to Clostridioides difficile: National Trends, 2011-2020 (PDF file, 392 KB)
- Treat-and-Release Emergency Department Visits for Dental Conditions and Related Costs: Variation Across the United States by Census Region and State, 2016 and 2019 (PDF file, 5.1 MB)
- Emergency Department and Inpatient Utilization and Cost for Pregnant Women: Variation by Expected Primary Payer and State of Residence, 2019 (PDF file, 2.5 MB)
- Adult, Nonmaternal Inpatient Stays Related to Clostridioides difficile: National Trends, 2011-2016 and 2019 (PDF file, 291 KB)
- Adult, Nonmaternal Inpatient Stays Related to Sepsis: National Trends by Expected Primary Payer, 2012-2018 (PDF file, 510 KB)
- Wildfires in California: Emergency Department Visits, 2018 (PDF file, 5.8 MB)
- Wildfires in Northern California: Emergency Department Visits, 2017 (PDF file, 2.3 MB)
- Suicidal Ideation, Suicide Attempt, or Self-Inflicted Harm: Pediatric Emergency Department Visits, 2010-2014 and 2016 (PDF file, 1.8 MB)
- Injuries and External Causes: Reporting of Causes on the HCUP State Inpatient Databases, 2016-2019 (PDF file, 775 KB)
- Injuries and External Causes: Reporting of Causes on the HCUP State Emergency Department Databases, 2016-2019 (PDF file, 666 KB)
- Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Births: Trends in the United States, 2008-2019 (PDF file, 389 KB). Infographic (PDF file, 259 KB; HTML).
- Inpatient Stays Involving Malnutrition: National Estimates, 2016 (PDF file, 628 KB)
- Clostridium Difficile Hospitalizations: National and Regional Trends, 2011-2015 (PDF file, 716 KB)
- Clostridium Difficile Hospitalizations: National and Regional Trends, 2010-2014 (PDF file, 364 KB)