HCUP CENTRAL DISTRIBUTOR: Purchase and Secure Use of HCUP DataWhat is the HCUP Central Distributor?The HCUP Central Distributor Online Reporting System facilitates the HCUP data users with ordering, purchasing, and re-using HCUP databases, including data applications, requesting complementary databases, submitting data re-use and data sharing requests. The website can be found at: https://cdors.ahrq.gov/ The HCUP Central Distributor User Guide provides detailed instructions on how to purchase, protect, re-use and share the HCUP data. How do I Contact the HCUP Central Distributor?Email the HCUP Central Distributor Team at: HCUP-RequestData@ahrq.gov (include your order number in subject line, if applicable). Responses may take 5-7 business days. What databases can I purchase through the HCUP Central Distributor?Nationwide and State databases available for purchase are listed on HCUP-US. HCUP Supplemental files including the American Hospital Association (AHA) linkage files, Cost-to-Charge Ratio files and Hospital Market Structure files are available on HCUP-US or through the HCUP Central Distributor Online Reporting System. How do I Purchase HCUP Data?
NOTE: On occasion, a manual application to purchase data may need to be completed. Please see Applications under Quick References, complete the application, and submit it to HCUP-RequestData@ahrq.gov How is the HCUP Data Protected?Use of HCUP data requires taking HCUP Data Use Agreement (DUA) Training and signing an HCUP DUA. Protecting the privacy and security of individuals and institutions and safe handling of the data is critical to the success of HCUP.
What, If Any, Requirements Are There Regarding Publishing with HCUP Data?Before you publish results based on any HCUP database, confirm that the manuscript follows the requirements of the HCUP Data Use Agreement (DUA). Please review our requirements for publishing with HCUP data here. How do I Submit a Data Use Agreement (DUA) without a Purchase?If you will be collaborating on another person's data project, or otherwise using HCUP data you do not own, you must submit the appropriate DUA(s) prior to gaining access to the data. To submit a DUA without a data purchase, please complete the Additional HCUP Data Use Agreements (DUAs) document and email HCUP-RequestData@ahrq.gov. Please include the order number of the original purchase in all correspondence. Can I Re-Use the State Data I Purchased for More than One Project?Each application and approval for State-level data is project-specific. If you have State-level HCUP data from a previous project and wish to use the data for a purpose other than that originally approved, or as concrete projects emerge from approved exploratory work, the Data Custodian must submit a "Data Re-Use Request" to the HCUP Central Distributor for review and approval by AHRQ before work may begin on the new project. To submit a data re-use request, please complete the HCUP State Data Re-Use Request application and send it via email to HCUP-RequestData@ahrq.gov. Please include the order number of the original data purchase in your email. NOTE: Data Re-Use Requests are not necessary for Nationwide databases. How Do I Transfer Custodianship of the Data to Another Person?You are the custodian for all data you purchase. If you will be transferring custody to another person, you may request a data custodian transfer by contacting the HCUP Central Distributor. Please remember that individuals, not entities, are responsible for the use and security of the HCUP data, so the data purchaser remains responsible for any use or potential misuse, unless and until custody is formally transferred to another individual. To transfer custody of your data, please complete the Transfer Custody of HCUP Data application and send it via an email to HCUP-RequestData@ahrq.gov. Please include the order number of the original purchase in your email. |
HCUP Central Distributor FAQs
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The release of the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) data is made possible through a Federal-State-Industry partnership sponsored by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The HCUP Central Distributor Online Reporting System (CDORS) that facilitates the distribution of the HCUP data is operated by TurningPoint-DSFederal JV LLC (contract number: HHSM500201600039I). Payment processing services for the purchase of HCUP data is performed by NORC at the University of Chicago (contract number: 75Q80123D00001), as AHRQ's primary contractor for the development of HCUP data.
Internet Citation: Purchase HCUP Data. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). March 2025. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov/tech_assist/centdist.jsp. |
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Last modified 3/5/25 |