Implementation Guide
ASCII HL7 Specifications for Laboratory Observation Reporting Technical Specifications and Transmittal Instructions
Effective for Discharges on or after January 1, 2008
Table of Contents
Ordering Physician Middle Initial
Hospital or Lab Reporting Results
Hospital Test (result - LOINC)
Results Rpt/Status Chng Date/Time
Appendix A: HHIC Use Only - Edits Applied After Receipt
ASCII File Layout
This document serves as a functional specification and technical requirements for integrating key lab results with Hawaii Health Information Corporation's (HHIC) inpatient database via an ASCII file layout. A library of 32 laboratory tests and the respective LOINC codes will be transmitted from each of our prospective Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) providers.
HHIC uses the results of these lab tests to enhance the content of their existing statewide, all-payer hospital discharge database. The enhanced data set will be used to improve the predicative methodology to measure key patient outcomes, such as inpatient mortality.1
These instructions and specification are applicable to participating HHIC institutions submitting data to HHIC, effective with admissions of January, 2008.
Hospitalization—related (Acute Inpatient) laboratory results should be obtained from the hospital's clinical laboratory system/laboratory information system. Observed test results (e.g., finger stick) and other test results from glucometers, chemsticks, etc. should not be submitted. Submit test results specific to that laboratory test only. As an example, for the test of hemoglobin, do not submit a hemoglobin value that was reported as part of an arterial blood gas test result.
Units of Measure
Each laboratory test has a unique test code that represents both the laboratory test and the unit of measure. For example, the laboratory test lists Glucose with mg/dL as the unit of measurement. The laboratory test codes were designed to accept the submission of the units of measure used specified in the LOINC system. Please consult with the clinical laboratory system/laboratory information system personnel at your facility if you have questions regarding the laboratory units of measures outlined in Table 1.
Corrected Values
When two results are available for the same date and time the laboratory specimen was collected and one is labeled "corrected," submit the final corrected test result.
1 This effort is supported by CER funding received from The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Todd Seto, MD, from The Queen's Medical Center is the Primary Investigator and will direct the comparative effectiveness research component of the research. Jill Miyamura, PhD, HHIC, is Co-Principal Investigator. HHIC's role is to demonstrate the feasibility of enhancing inpatient all-payer data with clinical (laboratory) data to support the purpose of comparative effectiveness research. More information on the grant, its aims and methodology can be found at http://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov/datainnovations.jsp.
Data File Description
The file format will be a delimited text file where each column value is separated by a pipe (|) from the next column. Each line of the text file must contain a single record. An "end of file marker" must follow the line feed of the last record.
The file will be submitted in batch on a quarterly basis (at the beginning—and will move to a more frequent schedule as defined at a later time).
Each submission should include a summary document with the following information: hospital name/ID, time frame of messages submitted, number of messages sent in the batch.
Separate batch files should be submitted for each hospital.
Transmission Options
Data will be transmitted to HHIC in one of the following ways:
HHIC will collaborate with each provider to determine the best method.
Lab Test | Lab Test Name | LOINC | Units | LOINC SHORTNAME | |
Chemistry | Albumin | Albumin | 1751-7 | g/dL | Albumin SerPL-mCnc |
Alkaline phosphatase | Alkaline phosphatase | 6768-6 | U/L;units/L | ALP SerPlcCnc | |
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) | Urea nitrogen | - | mg/dL | BUN SerPlmCnc | |
Bilirubin (total) | Bilirubin | 1975-2 | mg/dL | Bilirub SerPlmCnc | |
Calcium | Calcium | 17861-6 | mg/dL | Calcium SerPlmCnc | |
Chloride | Chloride | 2075-0 | mmol/L | Chloride SerPlsCnc | |
Creatine kinase-MB | Creatine kinase-MB | 13969-1 | ng/mL; ug/L | CK MB SerPlmCnc | |
Creatinine | Creatinine | 2160-0 | mg/dL | Creat SerPlmCnc | |
Glucose | Glucose | 2345-7 | mg/dL | Glucose SerPl-mCnc | |
Gamma glutamyl transferase | Gamma glutamyl transferase | 2324-2 | U/L;units/L | GGT SerPl-cCnc | |
Potassium | Potassium | 2823-3 | mmol/L | Potassium SerPl-sCnc | |
Phosphate | Phosphate | 2777-1 | mg/dL | Phosphate SerPl-mCnc | |
BNP | Natriuretic peptide.B | 30934-4 | pg/mL | BNP SerPl-mCnc | |
Sodium | Sodium | 2951-2 | mmol/L | Sodium SerPl-sCnc | |
Troponin I | Troponin I.cardiac | 10839-9 | ug/L;ng/mL | Troponin I SerPl-mCnc | |
SGOT | Aspartate aminotransferase | 1920-8 | U/L;units/L | AST SerPl-cCnc | |
SGPT | Alanine aminotransferase | 1742-6 | U/L;units/L | ALT SerPl-cCnc | |
Blood Gas | pO2 | Oxygen | 2703-7 | mm Hg | pO2 BldA |
pCO2 | Carbon dioxide | 2019-8 | mm Hg | pCO2 BldA | |
pH (arterial) | pH | 2744-1 | pH BldA | ||
Base excess | Base excess | 1925-7 | mmol/L | Base excess BldA-sCnc | |
Bicarbonate | Bicarbonate | 1960-4 | mmol/L | HCO3 BldA-sCnc | |
Hematology | Hemoglobin | Hemoglobin | 718-7 | g/dL | Hgb Bld-mCnc |
Hematocrit | Hematocrit | 4544-3 | L/L;% | Hct Fr Bld Auto | |
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) | Coagulation surface induced | 14979-9 | Sec | aPTT Time PPP | |
Prothrombin time (PT) | Coagulation tissue factor induced | 5902-2 | Sec | PT Time PPP | |
INR | Coagulation tissue factor induced.INR | 34714-6 | INR(POC) | INR PPP | |
Platelet count | Platelets | 777-3 | 10^9/L | Platelet # Bld Auto | |
White blood count (WBC) | Leukocytes | 6690-2 | 10*3/uL | WBC # Bld Auto | |
Microbiology | Blood culture | 600-7 | |||
Urine culture | 630-4 | ||||
Sputum culture | 6460-0 |
Data Field Layout
DATA ELEMENT | DATATYPE | HL7 Location (for reference) |
Sending Facility | A | MSH-4 |
*Account Number | A | PID-18 |
Medical Record Number | A | PID-3 |
*Date of Birth | D | PID-7 |
Sex | A | PID-8 |
*Social Security Number | N | PID-19 |
*Patient First Name | A | PID-5 |
*Patient Last Name | A | PID-5 |
*Patient Middle Initial | A | PID-5 |
*Admission Date/Time | D | PV1-44 |
*Discharge Date/Time | D | PV1-45 |
Ordering Physician First Name | A | OBR-16 |
Ordering Physician Last Name | A | OBR-16 |
Ordering Physician Middle Initial | A | OBR-16 |
Physician Identifier | N | OBR-16 |
Receiving Application | A | MSH-5 |
Create Date/Time | D | MSH-7 |
Patient Class | A | PV1-2 |
Hospital Test (order) | A | OBR-4 |
Hospital Test (result — LOINC) | A | OBX-3 |
Observation Date/Time | D | OBR-7 |
Results Rpt/Status Chng-Date/Time | D | OBR-22 |
Results Status | A | OBR-25 |
Observation Value | A | OBX-5 |
Units (of Measure) | A | OBX-6 |
Reference Ranges | A | OBX-7 |
Abnormal Flags | A | OBX-8 |
Observation Results Status | A | OBX-11 |
Comments | A | NTE-3 |
*for linking lab file to HHIC patient files |
Sending Facility
Data Element: Sending Facility
HL7 Location: MSH-4
Data Type: Alpha
Definition: Identifies the sender (the owner of the message information). When sending, LAB will use "Hospital Name."
NOTE: For files submitted by Clinical Laboratory, this number will be their internally assigned number for the hospitals.
Account Number
Data Element: Account Number
HL7 Location: PID-18
Data Type: Alphanumeric
Definition: The number assigned to the patient's visit by the hospital. The account number is typically used for charge and/or billing purposes.
Instructions: Valid characters: A through Z, 0 through 9, . (period), and - (hyphen). Do not leave this field blank.
Medical Record Number
Data Element: Medical Record Number
HL7 Location: PID-3
Data Type: Alphanumeric
Definition: The number assigned to the patient's medical/health record by the hospital. The medical record number is typically used to do an audit of the history of treatment.
Instructions: Valid characters: A through Z, 0 through 9, . (period), and - (hyphen). Do not leave this field blank.
Date of Birth
Data Element: Date of Birth
HL7 Location: PID-7
Data Type: Date
Definition: Month, day, and year (including century) of birth of the patient.
Instructions: YYYYMMDD
If the month, day or year of birth is a single digit, use a preceding zero.
There should be no blanks in this field.
Do not leave this field blank.
Data Element: Sex
HL7 Location: PID-8
Data Type: Alpha
Definition: Sex of patient
M = Male
F = Female
U = Unknown
Social Security Number
Data Element: Social Security Number
HL7 Location: PID-19
Data Type: Numeric
Definition: The number assigned by the Social Security Administration.
Instructions: Valid characters: 0 through 9, no hyphens or spaces.
If SSN is unknown leave blank.
Patient First Name
Data Element: Patient First Name
HL7 Location: PID-5
Data Type: Alphanumeric
Definition: The patient's first name.
Instructions: Exclude middle names and middle initials
Uppercase only.
Patient Last Name
Data Element: Patient First Name
HL7 Location: PID-5
Data Type: Alphanumeric
Definition: The patient's last name.
Instructions: Uppercase Only.
Patient Middle Initial
Data Element: Patient Middle Initial
HL7 Location: PID-5
Data Type: Alphanumeric
Definition: The patient's middle initial.
Instructions: Include only the first middle initial.
Uppercase Only.
Admission Date/Time
Data Element: Admission Date/Time
HL7 Location: PV1-44
Data Type: Date
Definition: Month, day, year and time of admission to the hospital as an acute care patient.
If the month, day or year of admission is a single digit, use a preceding zero. There should be no blanks in this field.
Do not leave this field blank.
Discharge Date/Time
Data Element: Discharge Date/Time
HL7 Location: PV1-45
Data Type: Date
Definition: Month, day, year and time of discharge from the hospital as an acute care patient.
If the month, day or year of discharge is a single digit, use a preceding zero. There should be no blanks in this field.
Do not leave this field blank.
Ordering Physician First Name
Data Element: Physician First Name
HL7 Location: OBR-16
Data Type: Alphanumeric
Definition: The physician's first name.
Instructions: Exclude middle names and middle initials
Uppercase only.
Ordering Physician Last Name
Data Element: Physician Last Name
HL7 Location: OBR-16
Data Type: Alphanumeric
Definition: The physician's last name.
Instructions: Uppercase only.
Ordering Physician Middle Initial
Data Element: Physician Middle Initial
HL7 Location: OBR-16
Data Type: Alphanumeric
Definition: The physician's middle initial.
Instructions: Include only the first middle initial.
Uppercase only.
Physician Identifier
Data Element: Physician Identifier
HL7 Location: OBR-16
Data Type: Numeric
Definition: Either the National Provider Identifier (NPI) that is issued to the individual physician by CMS or the identifier that is assigned to each physician by the hospital.
Instructions: Leave blank if unknown.
Hospital or Lab Reporting Results
Data Element: Hospital or Lab Reporting Results
HL7 Location: MSH-5
Data Type: Alpha
Definition: Name of the hospital or lab that is processing the order.
Create Date/Time
Data Element: Create Date/Time
HL7 Location: MSH-7
Data Type: Date
Definition: Date and time the message was created.
If the month, day or year of create date is a single digit, use a preceding zero. There should be no blanks in this field.
Do not leave this field blank.
Patient Class
Data Element: Patient Class
HL7 Location: PV1-2
Data Type: Alpha
Definition: Patient Class
E Emergency Department visits
I Inpatient Admission
O Outpatient
Hospital Test (Order)
Data Element: Hospital Test (Order)
HL7 Location: OBR-4
Data Type: Alpha
Definition: This is the local (ordered) test code.
Hospital Test (result - LOINC)
Data Element: Hospital Test (result - LOINC)
HL7 Location: OBX-3
Data Type: Alpha
Definition: LOINC Code
Instructions: It is strongly recommended that OBX-3 be populated with as specific a LOINC®code as defined in Table 1 to prevent any misinterpretation of reported results.
Observation Date/Time
Data Element: Observation Date/Time
HL7 Location: OBR-7
Data Type: Date
Definition: Month, day, year and time of lab test.
If the month, day or year of observation is a single digit, use a preceding zero. There should be no blanks in this field.
Do not leave this field blank.
Results Rpt/Status Chng Date/Time
Data Element: Results Rpt/Status Chng Date/Time
HL7 Location: OBR-22
Data Type: Date
Definition: Month, day, year and time of lab test.
If the month, day or year of results is a single digit, use a preceding zero. There should be no blanks in this field.
Do not leave this field blank.
Results Status
Data Element: Results Status
HL7 Location: OBR-25
Data Type: Alpha
Definition: The current status of the results of the lab test.
Instructions: Only test status of "F" for finalized should be included.
Observation Value
Data Element: Observation Value
HL7 Location: OBX-5
Data Type: Alpha
Definition: Result of lab test.
Data Element: Units
HL7 Location: OBX-6
Data Type: Alpha
Definition: Units of measure.
Reference Ranges
Data Element: Reference Ranges
HL7 Location: OBX-7
Data Type: Alpha
Definition: Reference range. If numeric, the values of this field may report several values in one of the following three formats:
1. lower limit-upper limit when both lower and upper limits are defined, e.g., for potassium "3.5 - 4.5"
2. > lower limit if no upper limit, e.g., ">10"
3. < upper limit if no lower limit, e.g., "<15"
Abnormal Flags
Data Element: Abnormal Flags
HL7 Location: OBX-8
Data Type: Alpha
Definition: Abnormal flags should be used for reporting microbiology sensitivity data. Abnormal flags for antimicrobial sensitivity reporting should conform to the recommendations of National Committee of Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS, https://clsi.org/about/clsis-history/). For most reported findings, the allowable values are S, I, or R, and should be provided in addition to the numeric value in OBX-5. When findings other than susceptibility results are sent, the abnormal flag should be valued (e.g., "H", "N", or "A") to distinguish between tests that are interpreted as normal and those that are interpreted as abnormal.
Observation Results Status
Data Element: Observation Results Status
HL7 Location: OBX-11
Data Type: Alpha
Definition: F = completed. Correct and final results
Data Element: Comments
HL7 Location: NTE-3
Data Type: Alpha
Definition: Contains the comment contained in the segment.
Appendix A: HHIC Use Only — Edits Applied After Receipt
Proposed Edits Applied During or After Receipt of the Data File
Duplicate Laboratory Record
Two or more laboratory records were submitted representing the same laboratory test collected at the same date and time.
Resolution: Remove duplicate laboratory records so only one valid laboratory record exists for a single laboratory test collected at a specified date and time.
Failure to Link Laboratory Record with Discharge Record
The laboratory record did not link to a unique inpatient discharge record. The fields used to perform this link are the Medical Record Number, Admission Date, and Account Number.
Resolution: Verify and correct the Medical Record Number, Admission Date, and Account Number.
Admission Lab Algorithm
For the purpose of improving the severity of illness model, the admission lab results will be incorporated into existing risk models, e.g. 3M's APR-DRGs or other appropriate models. While lab results throughout the inpatient stay may be found to have an important predictive component, the results of selected admission labs (the 32 identified for this study) are known to improve the predictive power of existing risk models such as 3M's APRDRGs. Thus, the admission lab results of the 32 lab tests identified for this study will be identified for this purpose. HHIC will use the following algorithm.2
The first lab value on the day of admission will be used as the "admission lab" because it is most likely to reflect the patient's status prior to any major interventions. If a value is not available, particularly if the patient was admitted late in the day (e.g., after 6 PM), then next day values will be used if no major procedure is documented on the day of admission. If no value is available using this algorithm, a value within seven days prior to admission that is closest to the day of admission can be used. Otherwise, the value will be considered missing.
Future Validations/Definitions/Edits
Further validations and edits will be applied over the course of working with data files. These will be published as they are incorporated.
2 The proposed algorithm is subject to change following as we work with providers and work with data in more detail.
Internet Citation: ASCII Implementation Guide. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). July 2016. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov/datainnovations/clinicalcontentenhancementtoolkit/hi7.jsp. |
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Last modified 7/15/16 |