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Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM


The Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM is one in a family of databases and software tools developed as part of the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), a Federal-State-Industry partnership sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). HCUP databases, tools, and software inform decision making at the national, State, and community levels.


Overview of Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM

The Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM facilitates health services research by allowing the researcher to readily identify a diagnosis as indicating a chronic condition. Beginning v2023.1, the CCIR for ICD-10-CM returns to a concept consistent with the ICD-9-CM version of the tool, which distinguishes chronic from non-chronic conditions. All ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes are identified as one of the following three categories:

  • Chronic (value 1)
    • Examples include malignant cancer, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and most mental health conditions

  • Not chronic (value 0)
    • Examples include influenza, bacterial infection, pregnancy, and most initial encounters for an injury

  • No determination is made on the identification of a chronic condition (value 9)
    • Examples include external cause of morbidity codes, and codes indicating a fracture or complication of a prosthetic, prosthetic device, or other device, implant, or graft.

The Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM is updated annually to coincide with fiscal year updates to the ICD-10-CM coding system and retains diagnosis codes valid from the start of ICD-10-CM in October 2015. For this reason, it is advisable to always use the most recent version of the tool.

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User Guide and Other Resources

The following table provides information on where to find the various resources available for the Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM tool. The download section includes all of the referenced materials.

Descriptions User Guide: Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM Resource
Development of Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM User Guide: Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM, Description of the Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM and Appendix A
List of rules used for Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM assignment User Guide: Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM, Appendix A
Counting the number of chronic conditions User Guide: Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM, Using the Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM for Research, Counting the Number of Chronic Conditions on a Hospital Discharge Record
Technical guidance for applying the Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM to administrative data Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM Resource
System requirements User Guide: Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM, Using the Downloadable Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM Files, System Requirements
Input files User Guide: Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM Using the Downloadable Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM Files, Downloadable files
Running the SAS program User Guide: Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM, Using the Downloadable Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM Files, Downloadable Files and Running the SAS Program to Add Chronic Condition Indicators to Data
Additional resources Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM Resource
Searchable log of changes across versions Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM Change Log
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Data Elements Required for Input Dataset

The input dataset must contain an array of ICD-10-CM diagnoses without decimals. This data element is required for assignment of the CCIR for ICD-10-CM.

Data Element Name in Program Purpose How to Modify the Data Element Name Used in the Program Data Element Name in HCUP Databases
DX1-DXn where n is the dimension of the diagnosis array. Array of ICD-10-CM diagnoses (without decimals) used to identify chronic conditions Specify prefix for DX array using macro statement %LET DXPREFIX= I10_DX1-I10DXn in all HCUP databases starting in data year 2016
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Downloading Information for the Tool and Documentation

The ZIP folder includes the CSV mapping file, a SAS mapping program, and all of the user documentation. At this time, the Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM is only available as a SAS program.

For convenience, the user documentation for the Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM v2025.1 is also provided as separate documents:

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Archive for the Prior Versions (Including the ICD-10-CM Beta Version)

Copies of previous versions of the Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM and the beta versions for ICD-10-CM are available for users who need to replace or access the old programs and documentation.

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For More Information, Comments, or Questions About Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM

Questions regarding the Chronic Condition Indicator Refined (CCIR) for ICD-10-CM may be directed to HCUP User Support through the following channels:

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Internet Citation: Chronic Condition Indicator Refined for ICD-10-CM. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). January 2025. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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Last modified 1/24/25