Data Acquisition & Transmission - Pharmacy Data
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"Using Clinically-Enhanced Claims Data to Guide Treatment of Acute Heart Failure"
An AHRQ Grant to MHA
Data Acquisition & Transmission - Pharmacy Data
Minnesota Hospital Association Logo
MPA Logo
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Overview of Data Acquisition Strategy
- Establish data specifications and formats
- Phase 1: 15 hospitals submit developmental data
- Project team prepares data specifications and formats
- Project team maps data for Phase 1 hospitals
- Phase 2: remainder of hospitals map own data with assistance
- Implement operational protocols to submit data from electronic repositories using established data specifications and formats
- Test data submissions to validate protocols
- Transmit data for comparative effectiveness study
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Pharmacy Data Acquisition - Phase 1
- Phase 1 hospitals will
- be limited to hospitals with CPOE systems
- include no more than two hospitals from a single chain using the
same pharmacy order system
- submit all hospital drug orders for patients with a principal
diagnosis of heart failure discharged during a one year period
- provide identifiers required to link drug orders to claims data
already submitted to MHA
- Project team will evaluate the type and completeness of data provided by Phase 1 hospitals and will map these data into the standard format developed for this project
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Evaluation of Phase 1 Pharmacy Data
- Evaluation of Phase 1 pharmacy data will
- focus on drugs related to the planned research study
- assess the variability of data across sites and systems to establish minimum requirements for data acquisition
- Findings will be used to prepare
- a final list of drugs to be monitored, a dictionary of drug order data elements, and a customized drug classification system for this project based on existing non-proprietary systems
- a standardized flat file data layout, field definitions that conform to existing standards whenever possible, and instructions for submission of data by all participating hospitals
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Special Issues for Phase 1 Evaluation
- The Phase 1 analysis of drug order data will pay particular attention to how potentially problematic issues are managed at different hospitals
- Examples include
- use of order messages that are strictly informational (e.g.,
dosing reminders, clarifications, verifications)
- management of order cancellations and discontinuations
- identification of PRN and one time orders
- Identification of patients' own medications that are not
dispensed by the hospital pharmacy
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Types of Drugs to Treat Heart Failure
- Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI)
- Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB)
- Antiarrhythmics
- Anticoagulants
- Beta blockers
- Diuretics
- Inotropic agents
- Statins
- Vasodilators
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Drug Order Data Fields
- Drug name
- Internal drug code
- External drug code, e.g., NDC, RxNorm, SNOMED-CT (if available)
- Drug strength/unit
- Drug dosage
- Route of administration
- Order start/stop dates and/or duration or order
- Interval (i.e., frequency)
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Drug Classification Systems
- Alternative classification systems are available to support the collection and analysis of standardized electronic pharmacy data.
- Several promising non-proprietary systems will be evaluated to determine their strengths and weaknesses for use in this study
- Systems to be evaluated will include
- RxNorm
- NLM MeSH Drug Categories
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Pharmacy Data Acquisition - Phase 2
- Phase 2 hospitals will
- map their electronic data into the standardized flat file format
based on data specifications established in Phase 1
- submit completed data maps for review by project team
- Project team will
- Prepare standardized materials to support data mapping by
Phase 2 hospitals
- assist individual hospitals in preparing their data maps
- review completed maps for completeness and accuracy
- provide feedback and assistance as needed
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Future Collection and Use of Drug Data
- A principal goal of this project is to test the feasibility and value of collecting drug order data to determine the comparative effectiveness of alternative therapies
- A secondary goal is to learn from participating hospitals whether electronically captured drug dispensed and/or administered data could replace drug order data
- After collection and transmission of study data are completed, hospitals will be surveyed to document their experiences and to learn how data acquisition and transmission processes could be improved