Why use data interchange standards?
Choices for data interchange
Which choice?
Version 2.x messaging standard
v2.x messaging standard (2)
v2.x messaging standard (3)
v2.x Functional areas
Version 2.6 chapters
The HL7 basic "Transaction Model"
Trigger event: (external) admit event
Adt system sends HL7 A01 message sent to network
Lab system receives A01 message and sends back to network
Adt systems receive HL7 and sends ACK message
HL7 Message Header - MSH
Addressing the envelope:
Contents of barcode example:
Date Time
Message Type
Trigger Type
Message Number
Version Number
HL7 Message - PID Segment
Identify the patient:
Contents of barcode example:
Patient ID
Check digit
Patient Name
Mother's Maiden Name
Date of Birth
City State
Telephone Number
HL7 Message PV1 Segment
Define the visit or encounter:
Contents of barcode example:
Patient Location
HL7 Message OBR Segment
Contents of barcode example:
Placer Order Number
Biller Order Number
Universal Service ID
Local Set
Reason for Study
Principal Result Interpreter
Requested DT service
HL7 Result Message (ORU)
Contents of barcode example:
Data Field
OBX: the flexible segment
Contents of barcode example:
A code that identifies the datatype of OBX-5
A code that identifies the data in OBX-5 (Temp Reading)
OBX-5: Data
A code that identifies the units of numerical data in OBX-5
Other data fields include: date of observation, identify of provider giving observation, normal ranges, and abnormal flags
OBX: with a coded value
Contents of barcode example:
A code that identifies the datatype as a coded element
A code that identifies the data in OBX-5 (ABO Blood Group)
The code is from LOINC
OBX-5: Data, A code for Group O
The code is from SNOMED
Internet Citation: Introduction to HL7 Standards: v 2.x. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). September 2012. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov/datainnovations/clinicaldata/HL7_v2_Standards_v2.jsp. |
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Last modified 9/4/12 |