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Record Linkage to Enhance STD/HIV Surveillance Data for Oregon's AI/AN Population

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Indian Leadership for Indian Health

Record linkage to enhance STD/HIV surveillance data for Oregon's American Indian/Alaska Native population

Megan J Hoopes, MPH1; Sean Schafer, MD, MPH2; Erik Kakuska, BA1
1 Northwest Tribal Epidemiology Center, NW Portland Area Indian Health Board, Portland, OR
2 Oregon Public Health Division, Portland, OR

This project was supported by grant number R01HS019972 from the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of AHRQ.


American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) experience substantial sexual health disparities. Compared to other races/ethnicities, AI/AN:

Complicating surveillance efforts is the fact that AI/AN are frequently undercounted in disease surveillance systems, resulting in under-estimated morbidity and mortality. To the extent that this population is racially misclassified in sexually transmitted disease (STD) and HIV surveillance data, public health disease control efforts can be hampered.


Source data

Record linkage


Graphic - Row 1, left: Linkage and misclassification results. Venn diagram showing the following two main groups: Group 1, Oregon S T D / H I V Registry, 2000 to 2009, n = 109,554. Group 2, I H S Patient Registration, n = 179,367. Within Group 1, there is as subgroup labeled Cases Coded as A I A N, n = 2007. The two areas where these three groups overlap are labeled as follows: Matched A I A N cases, race correctly classified = 1060, and Matched A I A N cases, race incorrectly classified n = 959.

Graphic - Row 1, right: Race coding among misclassified cases. Pie chart. White, 673, 70%; Unknown/Missing, 197, 21%; Asian, 66, 7%; Black, 22, 2%; Other, 1, 0%.

Graphic - Row 2, left: Pre- and post-linkage S T D incidence rates by race, ages 10 and older. Bar chart. Age adjusted incidence rate per 100,000 is provided for three S T Ds. Chlamydia: A I A N pre-link 263.8, A I A N post-link 386.6, All others post-link 284.0. Gonorrhea: A I A N pre-link 25.3, A I A N post-link 39.2, All others post-link 39.0. P and S Syphilis: A I A N pre-link 3.0, A I A N post-link 3.13, All others post-link 2.87.

Graphic - Row 2, right: Number of S T D cases by year, Oregon A I A N. Bar chart. Shows that for every year from 2000 to 2009, the count of S T D cases was higher post-linkage than pre-linkage.

Graphic - Row 3, left: Pre- and post-linkage H I V incidence rates by race, ages 10 and older. Bar chart. Crude point prevalence rate per 100,000. A I A N pre-link 11.4, A I A N post-link 19.6, All others post-link 21.6.


Conclusions and Future Work


  1. US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for HIV, STD and TB Prevention (NCHSTP), Division of STD/HIV Prevention. Sexually Transmitted Disease Morbidity for selected STDs by age, race/ethnicity and sex 1996-2008. CDC WONDER On-line Database, November 2009.
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, 2005. Vol. 17. Rev. ed. Atlanta: US Department of Health and Human Services; 2007.


Additional study details

Definition of terms

Linkage and misclassification results

STD results (chlamydia, gonorrhea, P&S)

HIV results

The Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB) is a non-profit tribal advisory organization serving the 43 federally recognized tribes of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. NPAIHB's Northwest Tribal Epidemiology Center collaborates with Northwest Indian Tribes to provide health-related research, surveillance, and training to improve the quality of life of American Indians and Alaska Natives.

Internet Citation: Record Linkage to Enhance STD/HIV Surveillance Data for Oregon's AI/AN Population. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). July 2014. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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Last modified 7/31/14