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Life Expectancy of Oregon AI/ANs
Using Linkage-Corrected Mortality Rates
Jenine Dankovchik, BSc
Megan Hoopes, MPH
VictoriaWarren-Mears, PhD, RD, LD
Improving Data & Enhancing Access (IDEA-NW) Project, NW Tribal EpiCenter
Logo Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, Indian Leadership for Indian Health
Presented at:
Oregon Public Health Association
Corvallis, OR October 2013
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AI/AN disparities & lack of data
- NW AI/AN mortality rates exceeded NHW for 9 out of 10 leading causes
- Life tables are an important population health indicator
- Due to high rates of racial misclassification on death certificates, life tables have not be available for AI/ANs
- Only published estimate by IHS (1999-2001) found NW AI/AN life expectancy 4 years below US all-races
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AI/AN often misclassified on death certificates
- Race not often based on family's own report
- AI/ANs misclassified more frequently than other races/ethnicities
- Net result: mortality measures are underestimated for AI/AN
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The IDEA-NW Project
- Improving Data & Enhancing Access (IDEA-NW)
- Goal: Reduce misclassification of AI/AN race in surveillance systems; disseminate local-level health data to NW tribes
- Grant funding: AHRQ (2010 to 2013), OMH (2012-2017)
- Northwest Tribal Registry (NTR)
- All AI/AN registered at IHS or tribal clinic in the NW
- Augmented with data from urban clinics
- Linkages conducted with public health datasets in OR, ID, and WA
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Data sources
- Death certificates: Oregon, 2006-2010
- Linked with NTR (known AI/AN)
- Using LinkPlus software, compared data sets to find individuals who appear in both
- Matched based on identifiers (name, birthdate, SSN, date of death)
- Probabilistic linkage — allow for errors, misspellings, missing data, nick names, etc.
- Each pair given a score indicating likelihood of a match
- "Grey area" matches reviewed by hand
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- Age — and sex — specific mortality rates computed using 2008-2010
- race-corrected death certificate data in numerator
- bridged-race population estimates from NCHS in the denominator
- Three years combined to lessen impact of annual fluctuations
- Complete and abridged life tables constructed using these rates
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Racial misclassification
- Linkage with NTR found 699 matches among Oregon deaths
- Of these, 149 were misclassified or missing race
- Overall misclassification rate of 21%
- Linkage with NTR increased case ascertainment of AI/AN deaths by 14%
- Linkage decreased life expectancy at birth by 2.15 years
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Life expectancy at birth: Oregon
Bar chart. Life Expectancy at Birth by Race, Oregon 2008 to 2010. Male: AI/AN 73.01, N H W 77.17. Female: AI/AN 76.51, N H W 81.65. All: AI/AN 74.77, N H W 79.43.
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Life expectancy at birth: NW Region
Bar chart. Life Expectancy at Birth by Race, Northwest Region 2008 to 2010. Idaho: AI/AN 74.46, N H W 79.45. Oregon: AI/AN 74.77, N H W 79.43. Washington: AI/AN 71.40, N H W 79.95.
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Survival patterns by race
Survival Curves for AI/AN and N H W, Oregon 2008 to 2010. Shows lines for N H W, AI/AN, and U S N H W tracking closely until about age 45, then diverging. By age 65, there are 86% N H W and U S AI/AN surviving; and 80% AI/AN surviving. Line diverge further to 43% N H W and U S AI/AN surviving at age 85+ to 28% AI/AN surviving at age 85+.
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Survival patterns by sex, AI/AN
Survival Curves by Sex for AI/AN and N H W, Oregon. Shows lines for male and female AI/AN and male and female N H W tracking closely until about age 20, then diverging with AI/AN lower than N H W; and males lower than females. At 75 years, female AI/AN are 13 percentage points lower than female N H W; and male AI/AN are 8 percentage points lower than male N H W.
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Life tables highlight AI/AN disparities
- Oregon AI/AN life expectancy 4.7 years shorter than the NHW population
- Gap is larger for females
- Disparity is small among younger AI/ANs, but grows larger as they reach working age and beyond
- This disparity is similar to what has been shown in other indigenous populations
- 5 years lower for First Nations & Metis in Canada
- 5 years lower for Native Hawaiians
- And is actually better than in some countries
- 7 years lower for Maori in NZ
- 17 years lower for Australian Aboriginals
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Impact of racial misclassification
- Found racial misclassification rates of 21%
- If left uncorrected, would have given life expectancy estimates 2.15 years too high
- Federal/state efforts underway improve race data collection upstream, at the point of collection
- Until these efforts have gained traction, data linkage remains an effective and inexpensive option
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Tribal uses of data
- Tribes use life tables for:
- Health assessment
- Grant writing and reporting
- Program planning and evaluation
- Policy and advocacy
- Abridged life tables will be disseminated to Tribes
- Cancer registrars will be conducting AI/AN survival analysis using these life tables
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- Tribal Registry under-represents urban AI/AN and those with private insurance
- Captures 75-80% of AI/AN population
- Even with combined data years, small numbers make AI/AN rates unstable
- Age misreporting on death certificates
- could not correct due to AI/AN race not being identified in Medicare records in the past
- Due to methodological differences, should not be compared directly to national estimates
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Thank You!
- The Tribes of Oregon
- Victoria Warren-Mears, PhD (P.I.)
- Idaho, Oregon, and Washington vital statistics staff
- Idaho, Oregon and Washington cancer registrars
- Elizabeth Arias at National Center for Health Statistics
- The International Group for Indigenous Health Measurement
- AHRQ Grant #R01HS19972
- OMH Grant #AIAMP120012
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