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Life Expectancy of Oregon AI/AN

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Life Expectancy of Oregon AI/ANs
Using Linkage-Corrected Mortality Rates

Jenine Dankovchik, BSc

Megan Hoopes, MPH
VictoriaWarren-Mears, PhD, RD, LD

Improving Data & Enhancing Access (IDEA-NW) Project, NW Tribal EpiCenter

Logo Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, Indian Leadership for Indian Health

Presented at:
Oregon Public Health Association
Corvallis, OR October 2013

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AI/AN disparities & lack of data

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AI/AN often misclassified on death certificates

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The IDEA-NW Project

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Data sources

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Racial misclassification

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Life expectancy at birth: Oregon

Bar chart. Life Expectancy at Birth by Race, Oregon 2008 to 2010. Male: AI/AN 73.01, N H W 77.17. Female: AI/AN 76.51, N H W 81.65. All: AI/AN 74.77, N H W 79.43.

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Life expectancy at birth: NW Region

Bar chart. Life Expectancy at Birth by Race, Northwest Region 2008 to 2010. Idaho: AI/AN 74.46, N H W 79.45. Oregon: AI/AN 74.77, N H W 79.43. Washington: AI/AN 71.40, N H W 79.95.

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Survival patterns by race

Survival Curves for AI/AN and N H W, Oregon 2008 to 2010. Shows lines for N H W, AI/AN, and U S N H W tracking closely until about age 45, then diverging. By age 65, there are 86% N H W and U S AI/AN surviving; and 80% AI/AN surviving. Line diverge further to 43% N H W and U S AI/AN surviving at age 85+ to 28% AI/AN surviving at age 85+.

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Survival patterns by sex, AI/AN

Survival Curves by Sex for AI/AN and N H W, Oregon. Shows lines for male and female AI/AN and male and female N H W tracking closely until about age 20, then diverging with AI/AN lower than N H W; and males lower than females. At 75 years, female AI/AN are 13 percentage points lower than female N H W; and male AI/AN are 8 percentage points lower than male N H W.


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Life tables highlight AI/AN disparities

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Impact of racial misclassification

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Tribal uses of data

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Thank You!

Internet Citation: Life Expectancy of Oregon AI/AN. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). August 2014. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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Last modified 8/19/14