Source Files
The HCUP Minnesota inpatient files were constructed from hospital discharge files received from the Minnesota Hospital Association (MHA).
Types of Facilities Included in the Files Provided to HCUP by the Partner
MHA collects inpatient data from member acute care general hospitals in Minnesota.
A comparison of the number of hospitals included in the SID and the number of hospitals reported in the AHA Annual Survey is available starting in data year 2014.
Hospitals do not always report data for a full calendar year. Some hospitals open or close during the year; other hospitals have technical problems that prevent them from reporting data for all months in a year.
Inclusion of Stays in Special Units
The documentation supplied by Minnesota does not indicate whether information on stays in special units (e.g., psychiatric, rehabilitation, long-term care) within the hospital is included in the data.
Exclusion of Records During HCUP Data Processing
Records with a discharge disposition of "still a patient" and "admitted as an inpatient" were excluded from the HCUP Minnesota inpatient data.