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Central Distributor SASD: Description of Data Elements

MDSPEC - Attending physician specialty, as received from source
Documentation Sections:
General Notes
Uniform Values
State Specific Notes
General Notes

Beginning in 2001, this data element is called MDSPEC1.

The attending physician's specialty (MDSPEC) is retained as provided by the data source. The original values have not been recoded into uniform HCUP values and are source-specific.

Uniform Values
VariableDescriptionValueValue Description
MDSPECAttending physician specialty, as received from sourcen(a)State specific coding - See the "State Specific Notes" section for details
State Specific Notes

New Jersey

Attending physician speciality was discontinued in 2008.

The length of MDSPEC is character 1.

In New Jersey, MDSPEC is coded as follows:

Source Value Description
1 Medical (includes General and Family Practice)
2 Surgical
3 Obstetric
4 Gynecology
5 Pediatric
6 Newborn Pediatric
7 Psychiatric
8 Orthopedic
9 Dental

South Carolina

South Carolina reports physician specialty as the area in which the physician spends the most hours per week, as reported at license renewal. If the physician does not report hours, South Carolina assigns physician specialty as the first practice type reported by the physician.

Physicians report their specialties to South Carolina using the categories and abbreviations in the "source-specific descriptions" column of the following table. South Carolina assigns them to three-character codes and reports the data in that format. During HCUP processing, the three-character codes supplied by the state were assigned to MDSPEC.

In South Carolina, MDSPEC is coded as follows. Any other codes are undefined.

Source Value Description
0AA Pediatric Endocrinology (PDE)
0AB Internal Medicine/Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology (ILI)
0AC Internal Medicine, Geriatrics (IMG)
0AD Neurological Surgery, Critical Care (NCC)
0AE Pathology, Neuropathology (NP)
0AF Neurology, Pediatric Surgery (NSP)
0AG Orthopedic Surgery, Adult Reconstructive Orthopedics (OAR)
0AH Obstetrics & Gynecology/Critical Care Medicine (OCC)
0AI Orthopedic Surgery, Musculoskeletal Oncology (OMO)
0AJ Orthopedic Surgery, Pediatric Orthopedics (OP)
0AK Orthopedic Surgery, Sports Medicine (OSM)
0AL Orthopedic Surgery, Trauma (OTR)
0AM Pathology, Chemical (PCH)
0AN Pathology, Cytopathology (PCP)
0AO Pediatric Gastroenterology (PG) (code is zero-A-oh)
0AP Pathology, Immunopathology (PIP)
0AQ Pediatrics/Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology (PLI)
0AT Undersea Medicine (UM)
0AU Radiology, Vascular and Interventional (VIR)
0AV Addiction Medicine (ADM)
0BB Pathology, Radioisotopic (RIP)
0BJ Pediatric Otolaryngology
0BL Pain Medicine
0BM Pediatric Ophthalmology
0BS Obstetrics
0CB Cardiothoracic Surgery
0CC Surgery, Vascular (VS)
0CE Cardiac Electrophysiology
0CJ Pediatric Infectious Disease
0DD Neonatal Medicine (NEO)
0EE Pediatric Pulmonology (PDP)
0FF Radiation Oncology (RO)
0HH Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM)
0II Medical Genetics (MG)
0JJ Psychiatry, Geriatric (PYG)
0KK Orthopedic Surgery, Spine Surgery (OSS)
0LL Allergy & Immunology/Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology (ALI)
0MM Anesthesiology, Pain Management (APM)
0OO Pathology, Blood Banking (BBK) (code is zero-oh-oh)
0PP Anesthesiology, Critical Care (CCA)
0QQ Pediatric Critical Care (CCP)
0RR Surgery, Critical Care (CCS)
0SS Neurology, Clinical Neurophysiology (CN)
0TT Dermatological Immunology/Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology (DDL)
0UU Family Practice, Geriatric Medicine (FPG)
0VV Family Practice, Sports Medicine (FSM)
0WW Pathology, Hematology (HMP)
0XX Orthopedic Surgery, Hand Surgery (HSO)
0YY Plastic Surgery, Hand Surgery (HSP)
0ZZ Internal Medicine Cardiac Electrophysiology (ICE)
001 Aerospace Medicine (AM)
002 Allergy & Immunology (AI)
003 Anesthesiology (AN)
005 Cardiovascular Disease (CD)
006 Dermatology (D)
007 Diabetes (DIA)
008 Emergency Medicine (EM)
009 Endocrinology (END)
010 Family Practice (FP, FPP)
011 Gastroenterology (GE)
012 General Practice (GP), Dental Health Program (DHP), Intern
013 General Preventative Medicine (GPM)
014 Geriatrics (GER)
015 Gynecology (GYN, G)
016 Hematology (HEM)
018 Infectious Diseases (ID)
019 Internal Medicine (IM)
021 Legal Medicine (LM)
023 Nephrology (NEP)
024 Neurology (N)
025 Neurology, Child (CHN)
026 Neuropathology (NA)
027 Nuclear Medicine (NM)
028 Nutrition (NTR)
029 Obstetrics (OBS)
030 Obstetrics & Gynecology (OBG)
031 Occupational Medicine (OM)
032 Ophthalmology (OPH)
033 Otology (OT)
034 (OTL)
035 Pathology, Anatomic/Clinical (PTH)
036 Pathology, Clinical (CLP)
037 Pathology, Forensic (FOP)
038 Pediatrics (PD)
039 Pediatric Allergy (PDA)
040 Pediatric Cardiology (PDC)
041 Pharmacology, Clinical (PA)
042 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM)
043 Psychiatry (P)
044 Psychiatry, Child (CHP)
045 Psychoanalysis (PYA)
047 Public Health (PH)
048 Pulmonary Disease (PUD)
049 Radiology (R)
050 Radiology, Diagnostic (DR)
051 Radiology, Pediatric (PDR)
052 Therapeutic Radiology (TR)
053 Rheumatology (RHU)
056 Abdominal Surgery (ABS)
057 Surgery, Cardiovascular (CDS)
058 Surgery, Colon & Rectal (CRS)
059 Surgery, General (GS)
060 Surgery, Hand (HS)
061 Surgery, Head & Neck (HNS)
062 Surgery, Neurological (NS)
063 Surgery, Orthopedic (ORS)
064 Surgery, Pediatric (PDS)
065 Surgery, Plastic (PS)
066 Surgery, Thoracic (TS)
067 Surgery, Traumatic (TRS)
068 Surgery, Urological (U)
069 In 1993: Nuclear Radiology (NR). Beginning in 1994, Nuclear Radiology (OTHER).
071 Immunology (IG)
073 Oncology Medical (ON)
074 Otolaryngology (OTO)
080 Administrative Medicine (ADM)
081 Student Health (SH)
082 Pediatric Hematology-Oncology (PHO)
083 Pediatric Nephrology (PN, PNP)
084 Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine (NPM)
085 Pathology, Anatomic (ATP)
086 Gynecological Oncology (GO, ONC)
087 Maternal & Fetal Medicine (MFM)
088 Reproductive Endocrinology (REN, RE)
089 Allergy (A)
090 Adolescent Medicine (ADL)
091 Blood Banking (BLB)
092 Critical Care Medicine (CCM)
093 Chemical Pathology (CMP)
094 Diagnostic Lab Immunology (DLI)
095 Dermatopathology (DMP)
096 Facial Plastic Surgery, Otolaryngology (FPS)
097 Immunopathology (SID and NIS)
098 Medical Microbiology (MM)
099 Nuclear Radiology (NR)
103 General Practice, Dentist (GP-DENT)
108 Oral Surgery (OS-DENT)
110 Periodontics Dentist (PERIO-DENT)

South Carolina data do not separately classify some physician specialties. No documentation was available describing which physician specialties were used for:

  • U.S. Air Force (AF)
  • Pathology, Pediatric Pathology (PP)
  • U.S. Navy (USN)
  • U.S. Army (USA)
  • Osteopathy (OST)
  • U.S. Public Health Service (PHS)


Internet Citation: HCUP Central Distributor SASD Description of Data Elements - All States. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). May 2024. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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Last modified 5/22/24