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Central Distributor SEDD: Description of Data Elements

ATYPE - Admission type
Documentation Sections:
General Notes
Uniform Values
State Specific Notes
General Notes

ATYPE indicates the type of admission (emergency, urgent, elective, etc.). Newborn admission types are separated only if that information is available from the data source. No edit check comparing the admission type to diagnosis or procedure codes is performed.

Because it is infrequently available from data sources, the admission type of delivery (ATYPE=5) is discontinued beginning in the 1998 data. If available, deliveries are recoded under urgent (ATYPE=2).

Uniform Values
VariableDescriptionValueValue Description
ATYPEAdmission type1Emergency
5Delivery (coded in 1988-1997 data only)
5Trauma Center (beginning in 2003)
.BUnavailable from source (coded in 1988-1997 data only)
State Specific Notes

Value Description Value Description
1 Emergency 1 Emergency
2 Urgent 2 Urgent
3 Elective 3 Elective
4 Newborn 4 Newborn
5 Trauma Center 5 Trauma Center
- - 6 Other
9 Unknown . Missing
Other   .A Invalid


Beginning in 2003, Colorado reports an admission type of "Trauma Center".

In 1995, Colorado began collecting admission type, but it was optional for hospitals to report this data to the hospital association.

Colorado does not separately classify deliveries. The source documentation supplied by Colorado does not indicate which source categories were used for deliveries. Beginning with 1998 data, the HCUP variable for admission type does not include a value for deliveries (ATYPE = 5).

Valid beginning in 2017
Value Description Value Description
Emergency Emergency 1 Emergency
Urgent Urgent 2 Urgent
Elective Elective 3 Elective
Newborn Newborn 4 Newborn
Trauma Trauma Center 5 Trauma Center
-- -- 6 Other
Unknown Missing . Missing
blank Missing . Missing
other Any undocumented values .A Invalid


Hawaii does not separately classify deliveries nor do they have a separate category for "Other." The source documentation available for Hawaii does not describe which admission type(s) were used for these categories.


Kansas does not separately classify deliveries. The source documentation available for Kansas does not indicate which code was used for deliveries.

Value Description Value Description
01 Emergency 1 Emergency
-- -- 2 Urgent
02 Elective 3 Elective
03 Delivery 4 Newborn
-- -- 5 Trauma Center
04 Other 6 Other
00, 09, 99 Not available/Unknown . Missing
Other   .A Invalid


Beginning in 2007, Maryland included the records from all other outpatients, Greenbaum cancer center, and UMMS shock trauma in the unified AS and ED outpatient data file. The inclusion of these new records resulted in increasing the frequencies of records categorized in ASOURCE = 1, Emergency department, and ASOURCE = 5, Routine including births and other sources.


Minnesota does not separately classify deliveries. The source documentation supplied by Minnesota does not indicate which source categories were used for deliveries.


The source value for Trauma Center (value 5) was recoded to Other (ATYPE=6) in 2002. Beginning in 2003, this source value was recoded to Trauma Center (ATYPE=5) for inpatient and outpatient data.

Nebraska does not separately classify deliveries. The source documentation supplied by Nebraska does not indicate which source categories were used for deliveries.

North Carolina

North Carolina does not separately classify deliveries. The source documentation supplied by North Carolina does not indicate which source categories were used for deliveries.

Value Description Value Description
1 Emergency 1 Emergency
2 Urgent 2 Urgent
3 Elective 3 Elective
4 Newborn 4 Newborn
5 Trauma Center 5 Trauma Center
- Other 6 Other
9 Not available . Missing
(blank), Unknown, Missing blank, missing
99 Missing (starting in 2020)
98 Invalid (starting in 2020)
Other   .A Invalid


Oregon does not separately classify deliveries. No documentation was available about which admission type(s) were used for deliveries.

Beginning with 2003, the Oregon codes an admission type of trauma center.

Value Description Value Description
1 Emergency 1 Emergency
2 Urgent 2 Urgent
3 Elective 3 Elective
4 Newborn 4 Newborn
5 Trauma Center 5 Trauma Center
  Other 6 Other
  Home Health
9 Not available . Missing
other   .A Invalid

South Carolina

South Carolina does not separately classify deliveries. No documentation was available describing which admission type(s) were used for deliveries.


Utah does not separately classify deliveries nor do they have a separate category for "Other". The source documentation available for Utah does not describe which admission type(s) were used for these categories.


Wisconsin does not separately classify deliveries. No documentation was available describing which admission type(s) were used for deliveries.


Internet Citation: HCUP Central Distributor SEDD Description of Data Elements - All States. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). May 2024. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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Last modified 5/22/24