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Central Distributor SID: Description of Data Elements

ASOURCE - Admission source, uniform coding
Documentation Sections:
General Notes
Uniform Values
State Specific Notes
General Notes

The Uniform Billing UB-04 Specifications changed coding specifications for Source of Admission to Point of Origin for Admission or Visit. While this change was scheduled to start as of October 1, 2007, the change-over date was not universally followed. During HCUP processing, coding was examined by hospital and information was stored in ASOURCEUB92/ASOURCE_X and PointOfOriginUB04/PointOfOrigin_X as most appropriate. Sometimes there was not a succinct change from one coding scheme to another. Original source values are retained in ASOURCE_X and PointOfOrigin_X if there is any question about the coding. Regardless of which variables are reported, the best source for identifying admissions through the emergency department (ED) is the HCUP data element HCUP_ED which looks across admission source, point of origin, and ED charges to identify ED admissions.

Three HCUP data elements contain information on the source of admission:

  • ASOURCEUB92 (available beginning in 2002 data) indicates the source of admission and uses the same coding as the source of admission data element on the UB-92 claim form. ASOURCEUB92 has more detailed categories for routine admissions and transfers from other health facilities than the HCUP data element ASOURCE. Some states do not provide enough detail in the coding of the source of admission to accurately code ASOURCEUB92. For these states, the data element ASOURCEUB92 is not available.
  • ASOURCE (available for all data years) indicates the source of the admission (emergency department; transfer from a hospital; routine, birth and other; etc.) recoded into HCUP uniform values. Routine, birth, and other (ASOURCE=5) include referrals from physicians, clinics, and HMOs. Transfer from a hospital may include transfers within the same hospital as well as transfers between hospitals. If the data source does not provide the admission source, then beginning in the 1998 data, ASOURCE is not present on the HCUP files. In the 1988-1997 data, ASOURCE is retained on the HCUP files and is set to unavailable from source (.B).
  • ASOURCE_X (available beginning in 1998 data) retains the source of admission as provided by the data source. The original values have not been recoded into uniform HCUP values and are source-specific. ASOURCE_X is available for all states that provide HCUP with information on admission source.

If the state includes enough detail in the coding of the source of admission to accurately code ASOURCEUB92, then the HCUP data element ASOURCE is coded from ASOURCEUB92 as specified below. Otherwise, ASOURCE is coded from ASOURCE_X and specifications are listed under State Specific Notes.

Coding of ASOURCEUB92 into ASOURCE
Value Description Value Description
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
4 Transfer from an acute care hospital 2 Another hospital
A Transfer from a rural primary care hospital
D Transfer from one distinct unit of the hospital to another distinct unit of the same hospital resulting in a separate claim to the payer
5 Transfer from a skilled nursing facility 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transfer from another health care facility
B Transfer From Another Home Health Agency
C Readmission to Same Home Health Agency
8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Outpatient or Clinic
1 Normal delivery (if ATYPE = 4)
2 Premature delivery (if ATYPE = 4)
3 Sick baby (if ATYPE = 4)
4 Extramural birth (if ATYPE = 4)
Blank Unknown, Missing, Invalid . Missing
Uniform Values
VariableDescriptionValueValue Description
ASOURCEAdmission source, uniform coding1Emergency department
2Another hospital
3Another health facility including long term care
4Court/Law enforcement
5Routine, birth, and other
.BUnavailable from source (coded in 1988-1997 data only)
State Specific Notes

(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
4 Transfer from hospital 2 Another hospital
5 Transfer from a skilled nursing facility 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transfer from another health care facility
8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Clinic referral
3 HMO/AHCCCS health plan referral
1 Normal delivery (if ATYPE=4)
2 Premature delivery (if ATYPE=4)
3 Sick baby (if ATYPE=4)
4 Extramural birth (if ATYPE=4)
9, Blank Information not available, Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

(Valid through 2016)
Value Description Value Description
nm1, where n = 1-9 and where m = 1-3 Route was this hospital's emergency room 1 Emergency department
512 Acute inpatient care (this hospital) 2 Another hospital
522 Acute inpatient care (another hospital)
2m2, where m = 1-3 Residential care facility 3 Other health facility including long-term care
3m2, where m = 1-3 Ambulatory surgery
4m2, where m = 1-3 Skilled Nursing/Intermediate care
532 Acute inpatient hospital care (not a hospital)
6m2, where m = 1-3 Other inpatient hospital care
8m2, where m = 1-3 Prison/jail 4 Court/Law enforcement
1m2, where m = 1-3 Home 5 Routine including births and other sources
7m2, where m = 1-3 Newborn
9m2, where m = 1-3 Other
000   . Missing
(other)   .A Invalid

The first digit of ASOURCE_X describes the site from which the patient originated (e.g., home (1), residential care facility (2), ambulatory surgery (3), skilled nursing/intermediate care (4), acute inpatient hospital care (5), other inpatient hospital care (6), newborn (7), prison/jail (8), other (9).

The second digit of ASOURCE_X describes the license of site from which the patient originated (e.g., this hospital (1), another hospital (2), not a hospital (3).

The third digit describes the route by which the patient was admitted (e.g., this hospital=s emergency room (1), not this hospital=s emergency room (2). Source value 2 includes patients seen in the emergency room of another hospital and patients not seen in any emergency room.


In all years, California assigned all records containing a principal diagnosis code of "newborn, born in hospital" (defined as DX1 equal to V3x.0x) to an admission source of newborn, regardless of the admission source reported by the hospital. These discharges are included under the uniform category routine, birth, and other (ASOURCE = 5).

Home Health Service

Prior to 1995, the categories coded under routine, birth, and other (ASOURCE = 5) included an admission source of "Home Health Service."

Beginning in 1995, home health service is not reported by California as a separate category. No documentation is available from the source to indicate whether home health service is reported under another source category.

Court/Law Enforcement

Prior to 1995, the source documentation supplied by California does not indicate which source categories are used for "Court/Law Enforcement" (ASOURCE=4).

Beginning in 1995, the source reported a separate category for admissions from "Prison/Jail." These discharges are included under the uniform category "Court/Law Enforcement" (ASOURCE = 4).

Ambulatory Surgery

Beginning in 1995, the source reports a separate category for admissions from ambulatory surgery. These discharges are included under the uniform category "Other Facility, Including Long Term Care" (ASOURCE = 3).

(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
Beginning in 2002 HCUP data, ASOURCE is coded from ASOURCEUB92 instead of ASOURCE_X. The table below specifies how ASOURCE was coded from ASOURCE_X prior to 2002.
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
4 Transfer from a hospital 2 Another hospital
A Transfer from a rural hospital
5 Transfer from SNF 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transfer from another facility
8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Clinic referral
3 HMO referral
1 Normal delivery (if ATYPE=4)
2 Premature delivery (if ATYPE=4)
3 Sick baby (if ATYPE=4)
4 Extramural birth (if ATYPE=4)
9, 0, Blank Unknown, Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
07 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
04 Transfer from hospital 2 Another hospital
05 Transfer from skilled nursing facility 3 Other health facility including long-term care
06 Transfer from another health care facility
08 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
01 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
02 Clinic referral
03 HMO referral
10 Normal delivery (if ATYPE=4)
11 Premature delivery (if ATYPE=4)
12 Sick baby (if ATYPE=4)
13 Extramural birth (if ATYPE=4)
09, 14, Blank Other/Unknown, Other/Unknown (if ATYPE=4), Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
4 Transfer from hospital 2 Another hospital
A Transfer from a rural hospital primary care facility
5 Transfer from a skilled nursing facility 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transfer from another health care facility
8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Clinic referral
3 HMO referral
1 Normal delivery (if ATYPE=4)
2 Premature delivery (if ATYPE=4)
3 Sick baby (if ATYPE=4)
4 Extramural birth (if ATYPE=4)
9, Blank Unknown, Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

Prior to 2002, admission source information was provided in two fields; one for newborns and one for all other patients. ASOURCE_X was assigned as follows:

  • If a newborn record (ATYPE=4) then ASOURCE_X = the newborn admission source, Else ASOURCE_X = the admission source for non-newborns.

(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
4 Transfer from hospital 2 Another hospital
5 Transfer from a skilled nursing facility 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transfer from another health care facility
8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Clinic referral
3 HMO referral
1 Normal birth (if ATYPE=4)
2 Premature birth (if ATYPE=4)
3 Sick baby (if ATYPE=4)
4 Extramural birth (if ATYPE=4)
9, Blank Unknown, Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
07 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
04 Transfer from hospital 2 Another hospital
A Transfer from critical care hospital
05 Transfer from SNF 3 Other health facility including long-term care
06 Transfer from another health care facility
08 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
01 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
02 Clinic referral
03 HMO referral
11 Normal delivery
12 Premature delivery
13 Sick baby
14 Extramural birth
09, 19, Blank Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
4 Transfer from a hospital 2 Another hospital
A Transfer from a critical access hospital
5 Transfer from SNF 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transfer from another facility
8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Clinic referral
3 HMO referral
1 Normal newborn (if ATYPE = 4)
2 Premature delivery (if ATYPE = 4)
3 Sick baby (if ATYPE = 4)
4 Extramural birth (if ATYPE = 4)
0, 9, Blank Missing . Missing
Any other values not documented by the data source .A Invalid


Many values are eliminated in 2006. Maryland's source values for admission source do not include a value for "Emergency Department" any longer.

(Valid from 2006 - June 2018)
Value Description Value Description
20 Trans from on-site acute care unit to on-site rehabilitation unit (beginning 7/05) 2 Another hospital
24 Trans from on-site acute care unit to chronic care (beginning 7/05)
26 Trans from on-site acute care to on-site psychiatric unit (beginning 7/05)
31 Trans from on-site acute care to on-site hospice
40 Admit from another acute general hospital to miems-designated facility or area-wide trauma center (beginning 7/05)
41 Admit from another acute care hospital inpatient service for any reason (beginning 7/05)
21 Transferred from on-site rehabilitation unit to acute care unit (beginning 7/05) 3 Other health facility including long-term care
22 Transferred from on-site rehabilitation unit to chronic unit (beginning 7/05)
23 Transferred from chronic unit to on-site rehabilitation unit (beginning 7/05)
25 Transferred from on-site chronic unit to acute care unit (beginning 7/05)
27 Transferred from on-site psychiatric unit to acute care unit (beginning 7/05)
28 Transferred from on-site sub-acute unit to acute care unit (beginning 7/05)
42 Admit from physical rehab. Hospital or unit of another acute care hospital (beginning 7/05)
43 Admit from private psych. Hospital or unit of another acute care hospital (beginning 7/05)
44 Admit from chronic hospital (beginning 7/05)
45 Admit from other facility at which subacute services were provided (beginning 7/05)
46 Admit within 72 hours from off-site ambulatory/outpatient surgery unit or other outpatient setting at another hospital or healthcare facility (beginning 7/05)
47 Admit from supervised/congregate house (crisis bed, group home, assisted living, board and care, halfway house) (beginning 7/05)
48 Admit from state psychiatric hospital (beginning 7/13)
49 Admitted from residential treatment center (beginning 7/13)
50 Admitted from Long Term Care facility (beginning 7/13)
51 Admitted from a Skilled Nursing Facility
52 Admit from another acute care OP ED or Freestanding ED
61 Admit from a nursing home (beginning 7/05)
--   4 Court/Law enforcement
29 Admitted within 72 hours from on-site ambulatory/outpatient surgery unit in which ambulatory surgery is performed 5 Routine including births and other sources
30 Newborn (Patient born in hospital) (beginning 7/05)
60 Admit from home (home includes physician office or any noninstitutional source) (beginning 7/05)
99, Blank Source of admission is missing or unknown . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid
There is not enough detail in the coding of ASOURCE_X to code the HCUP variable ASOURCE92. ASOURCE is coded directly from ASOURCE_X.

(Prior to 2006)
Value Description Value Description
05 Admitted from home and the flag provided by MD indicates the record was admitted from the emergency room (ASOURCE_X is "05" and IER_FLAG is "1") 1 Emergency department
99, Blank Information on source of admission is missing but the flag provided by MD indicates the record was admitted from the emergency room (ASOURCE_X is missing and IER_FLAG is "1")
01 Transferred from another hospital to a specialty center (Valid through 6/05) 2 Another hospital
02 Transferred from another hospital for any other reason (Valid through 6/05)
20 Trans from on-site acute care unit to on-site rehabilitation unit (beginning 7/05)
24 Trans from on-site acute care unit to chronic care (beginning 7/05)
26 Trans from acute care to on-site psychiatric unit (beginning 7/05)
41 Admit from another acute care hospital inpatient service for any reason (beginning 7/05)
40 Admit from another acute general hospital to miems-designated facility (beginning 7/05)
03 Transferred from a nursing home (Valid through 6/05) 3 Other health facility including long-term care
04 Transferred from any other institution (Valid through 6/05)
06 Transferred from Lithotripsy facility (Valid through 6/05)
07 Transferred from on-site ambulatory outpatient surgery unit (Valid through 6/05)
08 Transferred from off-site ambulatory outpatient surgery unit (Valid through 6/05)
12 Admitted from on-site sub-acute facility (Valid through 6/05)
13 Admitted from other sub-acute facility (Valid through 6/05)
00 Transferred from on-site acute care unit to rehabilitation unit (Valid through 6/05)
11 Transferred from on-site acute care unit to psych unit (Valid through 6/05)
21 Transferred from on-site rehabilitation unit to acute care unit (beginning 7/05)
22 Transferred from on-site rehabilitation unit to chronic unit (beginning 7/05)
23 Transferred from chronic unit to on-site rehabilitation unit (beginning 7/05)
25 Transferred from on-site chronic unit to acute care unit (beginning 7/05)
27 Transferred from on-site psychiatric unit to acute care unit (beginning 7/05)
28 Transferred from on-site sub-acute unit to acute care unit (beginning 7/05)
42 Admit from rehab. Hospital or unit of another acute care hospital (beginning 7/05)
43 Admit from private psych. Hospital or unit of another acute care hospital (beginning 7/05)
44 Admit from chronic hospital (beginning 7/05)
45 Admit from other facility at which subacute services were provided (beginning 7/05)
46 Admit within 72 hours from off-site amb. surg. / care of another facility (beginning 7/05)
47 Admit from any other health institution (domiciliary, mental, halfway) (beginning 7/05)
61 Admit from a nursing home (beginning 7/05)
--   4 Court/Law enforcement
05 Admitted from home (when the emergency flag provided by MD does not indicate the record was admitted from the emergency room IER_FLAG does not equal 1) (Valid through 6/05) 5 Routine including births and other sources
10 Newborn (Valid through 6/05)
30 Newborn (Patient born in hospital) (beginning 7/05)
60 Admit from home, physician's office, noninstitutional source (beginning 7/05)
09, 99, Blank Source of admission is missing or the flag provided by MD does not indicate the record was admitted from the emergency room (IER_FLAG not "1") . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid
There is not enough detail in the coding of ASOURCE_X to code the HCUP variable ASOURCE92. ASOURCE is coded directly from ASOURCE_X.

(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
7 Outside hospital emergency room 1 Emergency department
R Within hospital emergency room (beginning in October 1999)
4 Transfer from an acute hospital 2 Another hospital
5 Transfer from a skilled nursing home 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transfer from Intermediate Care Facility
T Transfer from outside ambulatory surgery
X Observation
Y Within hospital ambulatory surgery
9 Other (to include level 4 nursing facility) (coded to "Other health facility" beginning in 2002)
8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Within hospital clinic referral
3 HMO referral
9 Other (to include level 4 nursing facility) (coded to "Routine" prior to 2002)
L Outside hospital clinic referral
M Walk-in / Self Referral
A Normal delivery (if ATYPE = 4)
B Premature delivery (if ATYPE = 4)
C Sick baby (if ATYPE = 4)
W Extramural birth (if ATYPE = 4)
D Extramural birth (if ATYPE = 4)
-, 0, Z, Blank Information not available, Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
4 Transfer from a hospital 2 Another hospital
A Transfer from a rural primary care hospital
5 Transfer from a skilled nursing facility 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transferred from another health care facility
8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Clinic/outpatient referral
3 HMO referral
N Newborn at this facility
0 Missing, invalid or unrecorded . Missing
9 Information not available
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
4 Transfer from hospital 2 Another hospital
A Transfer from critical access hospital
6 Transfer from another health care facility other than an acute care facility 3 Other health facility including long-term care
B Transfer from another home health agency
C Readmission to same home health agency
1 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Clinic referral
3 HMO referral
1 Normal delivery (if ATYPE=4)
2 Premature (if ATYPE=4)
3 Sick baby (if ATYPE=4)
4 Extramural birth (if ATYPE=4)
9, Blank Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

New Jersey
New Jersey
(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
4 Transfer from an acute care hospital 2 Another hospital
A Transfer from a rural primary care hospital
5 Transfer from a skilled nursing facility 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transfer from another health care facility
8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Outpatient or Clinic
1 Normal birth (if ATYPE=4)
2 Premature delivery (if ATYPE=4)
3 Sick baby (if ATYPE=4)
4 Extramural birth (if ATYPE=4)
9, Blank Unknown, Missing 0 Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

In 1995-1996, the admission source, "Transfer from a Rural Primary Care Hospital" was erroneously recoded to the HCUP uniform category "Other Facility, Including Long Term Care" (ASOURCE = 3). Beginning in 1997, the admission source "Transfer from a Rural Primary Care Hospital" was correctly recoded to the HCUP uniform category "Another Hospital" (ASOURCE = 2). This source value was not available from New Jersey prior to 1995.

New York

Admitted from Outpatient Department

  • For 1988-1992, the source category "Admitted From Outpatient Department" was recoded to the HCUP uniform category "Routine, Birth and Other" (ASOURCE = 5).
  • For 1993, New York recoded "Admitted From Outpatient Department" into the source category "Emergency Room" and during HCUP processing, it was assigned to the HCUP category "Emergency Department" (ASOURCE = 1).
  • Beginning in 1994, New York does not report "Admitted from Outpatient Department."

Transfer from a Rural Primary Care Hospital

  • Beginning in 1995, New York reported the admission source, "Transfer from a Rural Primary Care Hospital." This was recoded to the HCUP uniform category "Another Hospital" (ASOURCE = 2).

Other Source

  • For 1988-1992, the source category "Other Source" was recoded to the HCUP uniform category "Routine, Birth and Other" (ASOURCE = 5).
  • For 1993, New York recoded "Other Source" into the source category "Information Not Available" and during HCUP processing, it was assigned to the HCUP category "Missing" (ASOURCE = .).
  • Beginning in 1994, New York does not report "Other Source."
New York
(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
4 Transfer from hospital 2 Another hospital
A Transfer from a rural primary care hospital
5 Transfer from SNF 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transfer from another health care facility
8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Clinic referral
3 HMO referral
1 Normal delivery (if ATYPE=4)
2 Premature delivery (if ATYPE=4)
3 Sick baby (if ATYPE=4)
4 Extramural birth (if ATYPE=4)
9, Blank Unknown, Missing 0 Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

North Carolina
North Carolina
(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
4 Transfer from hospital 2 Another hospital
5 Transfer from a skilled nursing facility 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transfer from another health care facility
8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Clinic referral
3 HMO referral
1 Normal delivery (if ATYPE=4)
2 Premature delivery (if ATYPE=4)
3 Sick baby (if ATYPE=4)
4 Extramural birth (if ATYPE=4)
9, 0, 1, N, U, Y; 9,0,5,6,7; Blank Documented by source as unknown values; Documented by source as unknown values (if ATYPE = 4) . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
07 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
04 Transfer from hospital 2 Another hospital
05 Transfer from SNF 3 Other health facility including long-term care
06 Transfer from another health care facility
08 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
01 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
02 Clinic referral
03 HMO referral
00 Home Health (discontinued in 1999)
11 Normal delivery
12 Premature delivery
13 Sick baby
14 Extramural birth
21 Admissions office (discontinued in 1998)
22 Newborn (discontinued in 1998)
09, 19, Blank Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

Rhode Island

Beginning in 2006, Rhode Island changed their coding of ASOURCE. The UB-92 values were collapsed into 5 categories that mirror HCUP standard values, resulting in a direct recode from ASOURCE_X to ASOURCE.

Rhode Island
(Beginning in 2006)
Value Description Value Description
1 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
2 Other hospital 2 Another hospital
3 Other facility 3 Other health facility including long-term care
4 Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
5 Routine birth 5 Routine including births and other sources
0, Blank Other, Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid
There is not enough detail in the coding of ASOURCE_X to code the HCUP variable ASOURCEUB92.

Rhode Island
(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
Z Emergency room from nursing home
4 Transfer from hospital 2 Another hospital
5 Transfer from SNF 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transfer from another health facility
8 Court/law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Clinical Referral
3 HMO Referral
A Normal birth (if ATYPE=4)
B Premature birth (if ATYPE=4)
C Sick baby (if ATYPE=4)
D Extramural birth (if ATYPE=4)
E Newborn (if ATYPE=4)
F Stillborn (if ATYPE=4)
9, Blank Information not available . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

South Carolina

Prior to 2002, South Carolina did not provide enough detail in the coding of ASOURCE_X to code the HCUP variable ASOURCEUB92.

South Carolina
(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
4 Transfer from hospital 2 Another hospital
A Transfer from a rural primary care hospital
5 Transfer from a skilled nursing facility 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transfer from another health care facility
8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Clinic referral
3 HMO referral
1 Normal delivery (if ATYPE=4)
2 Premature delivery (if ATYPE=4)
3 Sick baby (if ATYPE=4)
4 Extramural birth (if ATYPE=4)
0, 9, Blank Information not available, Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
4 Transfer from hospital 2 Another hospital
5 Transfer from a skilled nursing facility 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transfer from another health care facility
8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician Referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Clinic referral
3 HMO referral
1 Normal newborn (if ATYPE=4) (This is not available in the SASD)
2 Premature delivery (if ATYPE=4) (This is not available in the SASD)
3 Sick baby (if ATYPE=4) (This is not available in the SASD)
4 Extramural birth (if ATYPE=4) (This is not available in the SASD)
0 Newborn
9, Blank Unknown, Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

SID and SEDD: Admission source information was provided in two fields; one for newborns and one for all other patients. ASOURCE_X was assigned as follows:

If a newborn record (ATYPE=4) then ASOURCE_X = the newborn admission source,
Else ASOURCE_X = the admission source for non-newborns.

SASD: Only the non-newborn admission source was provided.

(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
4 Transfer from hospital 2 Another hospital
A Transfer from critical access hospital
5 Transfer from a skilled nursing facility 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transfer from another health care facility
8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician Referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Clinic referral
3 HMO referral
1 Normal newborn (if ATYPE=4)
2 Premature delivery (if ATYPE=4)
3 Sick baby (if ATYPE=4)
4 Extramural birth (if ATYPE=4)
9, Blank Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
4 Transfer from a hospital 2 Another hospital
5 Transfer from a skilled nursing facility 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transfer from another health care facility
8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Clinic referral
3 HMO referral
9 Other
1 Normal delivery (if ATYPE=4)
2 Premature delivery (if ATYPE=4)
3 Sick baby (if ATYPE=4)
4 Extramural birth (if ATYPE=4)
Blank Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

West Virginia
West Virginia
(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
4 Transfer from hospital 2 Another hospital
5 Transfer from a skilled nursing facility 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transfer from another health care facility
8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Clinic referral
3 HMO referral
1 Normal delivery (if ATYPE=4)
2 Premature birth (if ATYPE=4)
3 Sick baby (if ATYPE=4)
4 Extramural birth (if ATYPE=4)
9, Blank Unknown, Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

(Prior to 2002)
Value Description Value Description
7 Emergency room 1 Emergency department
4 Transfer from hospital 2 Another hospital
5 Transfer from a skilled nursing facility 3 Other health facility including long-term care
6 Transfer from another health care facility
8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement
1 Physician referral 5 Routine including births and other sources
2 Clinic referral
3 HMO referral
1 Normal newborn (if ATYPE = 4)
2 Premature newborn (if ATYPE = 4)
3 Sick baby (if ATYPE = 4)
4 Extramural birth (if ATYPE = 4)
9, Blank Unknown, Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid


Internet Citation: HCUP Central Distributor SID Description of Data Elements - All States. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). February 2025. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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