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Central Distributor SID: Description of Data Elements

DISPUB92 - Disposition of patient, UB92 coding
Documentation Sections:
General Notes
Uniform Values
State Specific Notes
General Notes

DISPUB92 indicates the disposition of the patient at discharge and uses the same coding as the patient status data element on the UB-92 claim form.

DISPUB92 has more detailed categories for transfers and Home Health Care than the HCUP data element DISPUniform. Some states do not provide enough detail in the coding of the discharge status to accurately code DISPUB92. For these states, the data element DISPUB92 is not available. DISPUniform is available for all states. DISP_X retains the disposition of patient as provided by the data source.

HCUP excludes records that contain the UB-92 discharge disposition of "Still a patient" (value 30) or "Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital" (value 09) with the following exception. Prior to 2005 data, records with the discharge disposition of "Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital" (value 09) were retained in the HCUP SASD and SEDD.

Uniform Values
VariableDescriptionValueValue Description
DISPUB92Disposition of patient, UB92 coding1Routine
2Short-term hospital
3Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)
4Intermediate Care Facility (ICF)
5Another type of facility (for inpatient care)
6Home Health Care (HHC)
7Against medical advice (AMA)
8Home IV provider
9Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital, beginning in 2001 data. Valid only on outpatient data.
20Died in hospital
40Died at home
41Died in a medical facility
42Died, place unknown
43Alive - Federal health facility
50Hospice - home
51Hospice - medical facility
61Within this institution to a Medicare-approved swing bed, beginning in 2000 data
62Discharge, transferred to another rehabilitation facility including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital, beginning in 2001 data
63Discharge, transferred to a long term care hospital swing bed, beginning in 2001 data
64Discharge, transferred to a nursing facility certified by Medicaid, but not certified by Medicare
65Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital (beginning in 2004 data)
71Another institution for outpatient services, beginning in 2000 data
72This institution for outpatient services, beginning in 2000 data
99Discharge alive, destination unknown, beginning in 2001 data
State Specific Notes

Value Description Value Description
01 Home or self care (routine) 1 Routine
02 Another short term general hospital 2 Short-term hospital
03 Skilled nursing facility 3 Skilled nursing facility
04 Intermediate care facility 4 Intermediate care facility
05 Another type of institution 5 Another type of facility
06 Home under care of organized home health service organization 6 Home health care
07 Left against medical advice 7 Against medical advice
08 Home under care of a Home IV provider 8 Home IV provider
20 Expired 20 Died in the hospital
--   40 Died at home
--   41 Died in other medical facility
--   42 Died, place unknown
43 Discharged to a federal hospital (valid beginning 10/1/03) 43 Federal Health Facility
50 Hospice - home (beginning 7/02) 50 Hospice - home
51 Hospice - home (beginning 7/02) 51 Hospice - medical facility
61 Within this institution to a hospital-based Medicare approved swing bed (beginning 7/02) 61 Within this institution to a hospital-based Medicare approved swing bed (beginning in 2000)
62 Another rehabilitation facility including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital (beginning 7/02) 62 Another rehabilitation facility including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital (beginning in 2001)
63 Long term care hospital (beginning 7/02) 63 Long term care hospital (beginning in 2001)
--   64 Nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare (beginning in 2002)
65 Discharged or transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric unit of a hospital 65 Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital (beginning in 2004 data)
--   66 Discharged/transferred to Critical Access Hospital (CAH) (beginning in 2005)
71 Another institution for outpatient services (beginning 7/02) 71 Another institution for outpatient services (beginning in 2000)
72 This institution for outpatient services (beginning 7/2002) 72 This institution for outpatient services (beginning in 2000)
09 All Other (valid through June 2003); Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital (valid as of July 2003) . Missing
Blank, 00 Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid
DISPUniform is coded directly from DISPUB92. In 2001, records with the disposition "All Other" were recoded to "Missing" (DISPUB92 = .) in the HCUP databases. For all other years, records with the disposition "09" were considered to have a different definition, "Admitted as an inpatient", and were rejected from the HCUP databases.

Value Description Value Description
01 Home or self care (routine) 1 Routine
02 Another short term general hospital for inpatient care 2 Short-term hospital
03 Skilled nursing facility 3 Skilled nursing facility
04 Intermediate care facility (ICF) 4 Intermediate care facility
05 Another type of institution 5 Another type of facility
06 Home under care of organized home health services organization 6 Home health care
07 Left against medical advice or discontinued care 7 Against medical advice
08 Home under care of a Home IV provider 8 Home IV provider
20 Expired 20 Died in the hospital
40 Expired at home 40 Died at home
41 Expired in medicality facility 41 Died in other medical facility
42 Expired - place unknown 42 Died, place unknown
43 Discharged/Transferred to a Federal Health Care Facility (Department of defense hospital, a VA hospital, or a VA nursing facility) 43 Federal Health Facility
50 Hospice - home 50 Hospice - home
51 Hospice -medical facility 51 Hospice - medical facility
61 Within this institution to hospital-based Medicare approved swing bed 61 Within this institution to a hospital-based Medicare approved swing bed
62 Another inpatient rehabilitation facility including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital 62 Another rehabilitation facility including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital
63 Long term care hospital 63 Long term care hospital
64 Nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare 64 Nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare
65 Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital (beginning in 2004 data) 65 Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital (beginning in 2004 data)
66 Discharged/transferred to Critical Access Hospital (CAH) (beginning in 2005) 66 Discharged/transferred to Critical Access Hospital (CAH) (beginning in 2005)
71 Another institution for outpatient services as specified by the discharge plan of care 71 Another institution for outpatient services
72 This institution for outpatient services as specified by the discharge plan of care 72 This institution for outpatient services
    99 Discharged alive, destination unknown
0, 00, 9, Blank Information not available . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid
DISPUniform is coded directly from DISPUB92.

Value Description Value Description
01 Home/Self-Care/Routine 1 Routine
02 Short Term Hospital 2 Short-term hospital
03 SNF 3 Skilled nursing facility
04 Intermediate Care Facility 4 Intermediate care facility
05 Other Facility 5 Another type of facility
06 Home Health Service 6 Home health care
07 Left Against Medical Advice 7 Against medical advice
08 Home IV Service 8 Home IV provider
20 Expired 20 Died in the hospital
--   40 Died at home
--   41 Died in other medical facility
--   42 Died, place unknown
43 Government facility (beginning with 2004 data) 43 Federal Health Facility
50 Hospice - Home 50 Hospice - home
51 Hospice - Medical Facility 51 Hospice - medical facility
61 Within this institution to a hospital-based Medicare approved swing bed 61 Within this institution to a hospital-based Medicare approved swing bed (beginning in 2000)
62 Discharged/transferred to another rehabilitation facility including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital 62 Discharge, transferred to another rehabilitation facility including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital, beginning in 2001 data.
63 Discharged/transferred to a long term care hospital 63 Discharge, transferred to a long term care hospital swing bed, beginning in 2001 data.
64 Nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare 64 Nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare (beginning in 2002 data)
65 Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital (beginning in 2004 data) 65 Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital (beginning in 2004 data)
66 Discharged/transferred to Critical Access Hospital (CAH) (beginning in 2006) 66 Discharged/transferred to a Critical Access Hospital (CAH) (beginning in 2005)
71 Another institution for outpatient services 71 Another institution for outpatient services (beginning in 2000)
72 This institution for outpatient services 72 This institution for outpatient services (beginning in 2000)
--   99 Discharge alive, destination unknown, beginning in 2001 data.
Blank Missing . Missing
Any other values .A Invalid
DISPUniform is coded directly from DISPUB92.

Prior to 2003 and beginning again in 2005
Value Description Value Description
01, 1 Home 1 Routine
02, 2 Short term general hospital 2 Short-term hospital
03, 3 Skilled nursing facility 3 Skilled nursing facility
04, 4 Intermediate care facility 4 Intermediate care facility
05, 5 Another type of institution 5 Another type of facility
06, 6 Home under care of home health care organization 6 Home health care
07, 7 Left against medical advice 7 Against medical advice
08, 8 Home on IV medications 8 Home IV provider
-- -- 9 Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital (beginning in 2001 data). Valid only on outpatient data prior to 2005
20 Expired 20 Died in the hospital
-- -- 40 Died at home
-- -- 41 Died in other medical facility
-- -- 42 Died, place unknown
-- -- 43 Federal health facility (beginning in 2003 data)
50 Discharged to Hospice - Home 50 Hospice - home
51 Discharged to Hospice - Medical Facility 51 Hospice - Medical Facility
-- -- 61 Within this institution to a hospital-based Medicare approved swing bed (added for 2000 data)
62 An inpatient rehabilitation facility including distinct units of a hospital 62 Another rehabilitation facility including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital (beginning in 2001 data).
63 Discharged to a Medicare certified long term care hospital (effective 1/1/06) 63 Long term care hospital (beginning in 2001 data).
-- -- 64 Nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare (beginning in 2002 data)
65 Discharged to a psychiatric hospital including psychiatric distinct part units of a hospital (effective 1/1/06) 65 Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital (beginning in 2004 data)
-- -- 66 Discharged/transferred to Critical Access Hospital (CAH) (beginning in 2005)
-- -- 71 Another institution for outpatient services (added for 2000 data)
-- -- 72 This institution for outpatient services (added for 2000 data)
-- -- 99 Discharged alive, destination unknown (beginning in 2001 data).
Blank Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

DISPUniform is coded directly from DISPUB92.


In the 2003 Hawaii SID, one hospital (DSHOSPID "120022") reported incorrect information on the patient's discharge disposition. Too many discharges are reported as "Died in the Hospital" (DISPUB92=20).

(Valid Prior to 2007)
Value Description Value Description
1 Home or self care (routine) 1 Routine
2 Another short term general hospital 2 short-term hospital
3 Skilled nursing facility 3 Skilled nursing facility
4 Intermediate care facility 4 Intermediate care facility
5 Another type of institution 5 another type of facility
6 Home health service organization 6 Home health care
7 Left against medical advice 7 Against medical advice
8 Home under care of Home IV Provider 8 Home IV provider
20 Expired 20 Died in the hospital
40 Expired at home (hospice only) 40 Died at home
41 Expired in medical facility 41 Died in other medical facility
42 Expired - place unknown (hospice only) 42 Died, place unknown
43 Discharged/Transferred to a Federal Hospital 43 Federal Hospital
50 Hospice - home 50 Hospice - home
51 Hospice - medical facility 51 Hospice - medical facility
61 Within this institution to a hospital-based Medicare approved swing bed 61 Within this institution to a hospital-based Medicare approved swing bed (beginning in 2000)
62 Another rehabilitation facility including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital 62 Discharge, transferred to another rehabilitation facility including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital, beginning in 2001 data.
63 Long term care hospital 63 Long term care hospital (beginning in 2001 data).
64 Discharged/transferred to a nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare 64 Nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare (beginning in 2002 data).
65 Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct unit of a hospital 65 Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital (beginning in 2004 data)
--   66 Discharged/transferred to a Crirical Access Hospital (CAH) (beginning in 2005)
71 Another institution for outpatient services 71 Another institution for outpatient services (beginning in 2000)
72 This institution for outpatient services 72 This institution for outpatient services (beginning in 2000)
--   99 Discharged alive, destination unknown (beginning in 2001 data).
Blank Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid
DISPUniform is coded directly from DISPUB92.

New York
New York
(Valid Prior to 2007)
Value Description Value Description
01 Home or self care (routine) 1 Routine
90 Plan of care completed (Outpatient data only)
91 Pre-admission (Outpatient data only)
02 Another acute general hospital 2 Short-term hospital
09 Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital (Ambulatory surgery data only. Recoded to DISPUB92 value 9 beginning with 2001 data)
10 Neonate discharged another hospital for neonatal aftercare for weight gain (Inpatient data only prior to 2003)
13 Another hospital for tertiary aftercare (Inpatient data only prior to 2003)
03 Skilled nursing facility 3 Skilled nursing facility
04 Intermediate care facility 4 Intermediate care facility
12 Intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded (Prior to 2003)
05 Another type of institution 5 Another type of facility
11 Short-term psychiatric, chronic hospital or long-term specialty hospital providing for psychiatric illnesses (Prior to 2003)
14 Domiciliary Care Facility (Inpatient data only, prior to 2003)
06 Home under care of organized home health service organization 6 Home health care
07 Left against medical advice 7 Against medical advice
08 Home under care of a Home IV provider (Inpatient data only). Obsolete after 10/1/2005. 8 Home IV provider
09 Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital (Ambulatory Surgery data only beginning in 2001. Prior to 2001, value was recoded to DISPUB value 2. Valid only on outpatient data prior to 2005.) 9 Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital. (Valid only on outpatient data prior to 2005). Valid only on outpatient data prior to 2005.
20 Expired 20 Died in the hospital
40 Expired at home 40 Died at home
41 Expired in a medical facility 41 Died in other medical facility
42 Expired, place unknown 42 Died, place unknown
43 Federal Health Care Facility 43 Federal health facility (beginning in 2003 data)
50 Hospice - home 50 Hospice - home
51 Hospice - medical facility 51 Hospice - medical facility
61 Transfer within institution to a Medicare approved swing bed 61 Within this institution to a hospital-based Medicare approved swing bed (added for 2000 data)
62 Discharged/transferred to another type of institution for inpatient care or referred for rehabilitation services 62 Another rehabilitation facility including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital (beginning in 2001 data).
63 Discharged/transferred to another type of institution or referred for Long Term Care Services 63 Long term care hospital (beginning in 2001 data)
--   64 Nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare (beginning in 2002 data)
65 Psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital 65 Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital (beginning in 2004 data)
66 Discharged/transferred to a Critical Access Hospital (CAH) 66 Discharged/transferred to Critical Access Hospital (CAH) (beginning in 2005)
71 Discharged/transferred/referred to another institution for outpatient services as specified by the discharge plan of care. Obsolete after 3/1/2003. 71 Another institution for outpatient services (added for 2000 data)
72 Discharged/transferred/referred to this institution for outpatient services as specified by the discharge plan of care. Obsolete after 3/1/2003. 72 This institution for outpatient services (added for 2000 data)
--   99 Discharged alive, destination unknown (beginning in 2001 data).
Blank Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid
DISPUniform is coded directly from DISPUB92.

South Carolina
South Carolina
(Valid Prior to 2007)
Value Description Value Description
1, 01 Home or self care (routine) 1 Routine
2, 02 Another short term general hospital 2 Short-term hospital
3, 03 Skilled nursing facility 3 Skilled nursing facility
4, 04 Intermediate care facility 4 Intermediate care facility
5, 05 Another type of institution 5 Another type of facility
6, 06 Home under care of home health service organization 6 Home health care
7, 07 Left against medical advice 7 Against medical advice
8, 08 Home under care of Home IV Provider 8 Home IV provider
9, 09 Valid only on outpatient data prior to 2005. Prior to 2001 value was recoded to DISPUB92 value "2". 9 Valid only on outpatient data prior to 2005.
20 Expired 20 Died in the hospital
40 Expired at home 40 Died at home
41 Expired in medical facility 41 Died in other medical facility
42 Expired, place unknown 42 Died, place unknown
43 Federal Hospital 43 Federal health facility (beginning in 2003 data)
50 Hospice - home 50 Hospice - home
51 Hospice - medical facility 51 Hospice - medical facility
61 Within this institution to Medicare approved swing bed 61 Within this institution to a hospital-based Medicare approved swing bed (added for 2000 data)
62 Another rehabilitation facility including rehabilitation including distinct part units of a hospital 62 Another rehabilitation facility including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital (beginning in 2001 data)
63 Long term care hospital 63 Long term care hospital (beginning in 2001 data)
64 Nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare 64 Nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare (beginning in 2002 data)
65 Psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital (beginning in 2004 data) 65 Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital (beginning in 2004 data)
66 Discharged/transferred to Critical Access Hospital (CAH) (beginning in 2005) 66 Discharged/transferred to Critical Access Hospital (CAH) (beginning in 2005)
71 Another institution for outpatient services 71 Another institution for outpatient services (added for 2000 data)
72 This institution for outpatient services 72 This institution for outpatient services (added for 2000 data)
99 Discharged alive, destination unknown 99 Discharged alive, destination unknown (beginning in 2001 data)
0, 00, Blank Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid

(Valid Prior to 2007)
Value Description Value Description
01 Home or self care (routine discharge) 1 Routine
02 Short term general hospital 2 Short-term hospital
03 Skilled nursing facility 3 Skilled nursing facility
04 Intermediate care facility 4 Intermediate care facility
05 Another type of institution 5 Another type of facility
06 Home under care of home health service organization 6 Home health care
07 Left against medical advice 7 Against medical advice
08 Home under care of a home IV provider 8 Home IV provider
20 Expired 20 Died in the hospital
--   40 Died at home
--   41 Died in other medical facility
--   42 Died, place unknown
43 Federal health facility (beginning in 2003 data) 43 Federal health facility (beginning in 2003 data)
50 Hospice - Home 50 Hospice - home
51 Hospice - Medical Facility 51 Hospice - medical facility
61 Within this institution to a hospital-based Medicare approved swing bed 61 Within this institution to a hospital-based Medicare approved swing bed (beginning in 2000)
62 Another rehabilitation facility including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital 62 Another rehabilitation facility including rehabilitation distinct part units of a hospital (beginning in 2001).
63 Long term care hospital 63 Long term care hospital (beginning in 2001).
64 Nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare 64 Nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare (beginning in 2002 data)
65 Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital. 65 Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital (beginning in 2004 data)
66 Dsch/Trnf to Critical Access Hospital (added 2005) 66 Discharged/transferred to Critical Access Hospital (CAH) (beginning in 2005)
--   71 Another institution for outpatient services (beginning in 2000)
72 This institution for outpatient services 72 This institution for outpatient services (beginning in 2000)
--   99 Discharged alive, destination unknown (beginning in 2001).
Blank Missing . Missing
Any values not documented by the data source .A Invalid
DISPUniform is coded directly from DISPUB92.


Internet Citation: HCUP Central Distributor SID Description of Data Elements - All States. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). February 2025. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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