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Central Distributor SID: Description of Data Elements

MULTINJURY - Multiple ICD-9-CM injuries reported
Documentation Sections:
General Notes
Uniform Values
State Specific Notes
General Notes

Records with injuries are identified by ICD-9-CM diagnosis code using a scheme recommended by the following 2003 report by the State and Territorial Injury Prevention Directors Association (STIPDA).

    Injury Surveillance Workgroup. Consensus Recommendations for Using Hospital Discharge Data for Injury Surveillance. Marietta (GA): State and Territorial Injury Prevention Directors Association; 2003 (available online at Please note that in 2010, the organizational name "STIPDA" was changed to the "Safe States Alliance."
Two HCUP variables indicate injuries are reported on the record: INJURY is used to indicate at least one injury is reported in the first-listed or later diagnoses; MULTINJURY is used to indicate that more than one injury is reported, regardless of diagnosis position. The table below lists the diagnosis codes in the range 800-999 used to identify injuries:

ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes Used to Identify Injury Discharges
800-909.2, 909.4, 909.9 Fractures; dislocations; sprains and strains; intracranial injury; internal injury of thorax, abdomen, and pelvis; open wound of the head, neck, trunk, upper limb, and lower limb; injury to blood vessels; late effects of injury, poisoning, toxic effects, and other external causes, excluding those of complications of surgical and medical care and drugs, medicinal or biological substances.
910-994.9 Superficial injury; contusion; crushing injury; effects of foreign body entering through orifice; burns; injury to nerves and spinal cord; traumatic complications and unspecified injuries; poisoning and toxic effects of substances; other and unspecified effects of external causes.
995.5-995.59 Child maltreatment syndrome.
995.80-995.85 Adult maltreatment, unspecified; adult physical abuse; adult emotional/ psychological abuse; adult sexual abuse; adult neglect (nutritional); other adult abuse and neglect.
909.3, 909.5 Late effect of complications of surgical and medical care and late effects of adverse effects of drug, medicinal, or biological substance.
995.0-995.4, 995.6-995.7, 995.86, 995.89 Other anaphylactic shock; angioneurotic edema; unspecified adverse effect of drug, medicinal and biological substance; allergy, unspecified; shock due to anesthesia; anaphylactic shock due to adverse food reaction; malignant hyperpyrexia or hypothermia due to anesthesia.
996-999 Complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified

For data beginning in the fourth quarter of 2015, the multiple injury flag is stored in the data element I10_MULTIINJURY to indicate the implementation of the ICD-10-CM/PCS coding system.

Uniform Values
VariableDescriptionValueValue Description
MULTINJURYMultiple ICD-9-CM injuries reported0One or no injury diagnosis reported
1More than one injury diagnosis reported, regardless of position
State Specific Notes



Internet Citation: HCUP Central Distributor SID Description of Data Elements - All States. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). February 2025. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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Last modified 2/5/25