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Central Distributor SID: Description of Data Elements

PrimLang - Primary language of patient
Documentation Sections:
General Notes
Uniform Values
State Specific Notes
General Notes

The principal language spoken (PrimLang) is retained as provided by the data source. The original values have not been recoded into uniform HCUP values and are source-specific.

Uniform Values
VariableDescriptionValueValue Description
PrimLangPrimary language of patientaaaState specific coding - See the "State Specific Notes" section for details
State Specific Notes


Beginning January 1, 2013, Hawaii reports Preferred Language Spoken. The Primary Language text was supplied in which we mapped them to the three character International Standards Organization (ISO) 639-2 Codes:


Beginning with 2013, Maryland reports preferred language spoken which has been mapped to the three character International Standards Organization (ISO) 639-2 Codes.


Beginning with 2016 data, Michigan reports preferred language spoken, which has been mapped to the three character International Standards Organization (ISO) 639-2 Codes


Beginning with 2016 data, Minnesota reports preferred language spoken, which has been mapped to the three character International Standards Organization (ISO) 639-2 Codes.

New Jersey

Beginning 2008 New Jersey has provided a three digit code to identify the primary language spoken by the patient using the International Standards Organization (ISO) 639-2 Codes. The Patient's Primary Language Spoken is required for all patients and must be a valid code on the list unless the patient's birth date equals the Admission Date.

AFR Afrikaans
AFA Afro-Asiatic languages unspecified
ALB Albanian
ARA Arabic
ARM Armenian
BEL Belarusian
BEN Bengali
BOS Bosnian
BUL Bulgarian
BUR Burmese
CAU Caucasian languages unspecified
CHI Chinese
SCR Croatian
CZE Czech
DUT Dutch
ENG English
EST Estonian
FRE French
CPF French Creole
GER German
GRE Greek, Modern
GUJ Gujarati
HEB Hebrew
HIN Hindi
HMN Hmong-Mien
HUN Hungarian
INE Indo-European languages unspecified
IND Indonesian
ITA Italian
JPN Japanese
KAN Kannada
KOR Korean
LIT Lithuanian
MAC Macedonian
MAL Malayalam
MAR Marathi
MKH Mon-Khmer, Cambodian
NAV Navajo
NOR Norwegian
PAN Panjabi
PER Persian
POL Polish
POR Portuguese
CPP Portuguese Creole
RUM Romanian
RUS Russian
SCC Serbian
SLA Slavic languages unspecified
SLO Slovak
SPA Spanish
SWA Swahili
SWE Swedish
SYR Syriac
TGL Tagalog
TAM Tamil
TEL Telugu
THA Thai
TUR Turkish
UKR Ukrainian
URD Urdu
VIE Vietnamese
YID Yiddish
YOR Yoruba
OTH Other languages


Internet Citation: HCUP Central Distributor SID Description of Data Elements - All States. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). August 2024. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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Last modified 8/7/24