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Central Distributor SID: Description of Data Elements

UNITn - Units of service
Documentation Sections:
General Notes
Uniform Values
State Specific Notes
General Notes

The unit of service (UNITn) is retained as provided by the data source. Negative values are set to invalid (.A). If supplied by the data source, fractional values of units of service (UNIT) are rounded, with any non-zero value less than 1 (0.01-0.99) rounded to 1.

Uniform Values
VariableDescriptionValueValue Description
UNITnUnits of servicennnnUnits of Service
State Specific Notes


Beginning in 2006, please see REVCHGn for detailed charge information. CHGn is no longer included in KY SID.

Detailed charges (CHGn) are associated with identified revenue centers (REVCDn) and units of service (UNITn). For example, CHG1 applies to the revenue center in REVCD1 and the units of service specified in UNIT1. Kentucky reports detailed charges (CHGn) associated with standard UB-92 revenue codes stored in REVCDn. Kentucky does not collapse or redefine ranges of revenue codes.

In addition, prior to data year 2005, information on total charges (revenue center 001) was removed from the detailed charge arrays. (CHGn, REVCDn, and UNITn). Information on total charges is available in the HCUP variables TOTCHG and TOTCHG_X.


UNITn field in the MD SID 2008 included less than 1% of erroneous unit of service codes (0.02%).


The charge and unit detail provided by Massachusetts varies across years.

  • Starting in 2007: Detailed charges (REVCHGn) are associated with the UB-92 revenue centers (REVCDn), and units of service (UNITn). For example, REVCHG1 applies to the revenue center in REVCD1 and the units of service are specified in UNIT1.

  • Starting in 1999: Detailed charges (CHGn) are associated with the UB-92 revenue centers (REVCDn), and units of service (UNITn). For example, CHG1 applies to the revenue center in REVCD1 and the units of service are specified in UNIT1. Massachusetts provides 110 revenue codes, detail charges, and units, but not all revenue centers (REVCDn) have an associated charge (CHGn) = .). During HCUP processing, the array of revenue codes, charges, and units are condensed so that only the revenue codes that have non-missing charges are retained. No information is lost.

  • In 1998: Detailed charges (CHGn) are associated with the UB-92 revenue centers (REVCDn) and units of service (UNITn). For example, CHG1 applies to the revenue center in REVCD1 and the units of service are specified in UNIT1. Massachusetts provides 110 revenue codes, detail charges, and units, but not all revenue centers (REVCDn) have a charge (CHGn = .). The revenue codes are constant across records. For example, REVCD1 = 111 on all discharges even if there is not charge (CHG1 = .) and units (UNIT1 = .) for the revenue center.

  • 1994-1997: Massachusetts reported charge details and units by specific UB-92 revenue centers. The detailed charges and units are retained on the HCUP files in assigned positions. For example, CHG1 is always for UB-92 revenue code 111 "Routine Medical/Surgical." Refer to the tables below for UNITn revenue center definitions for 1994-1997 files. Definitions of detail charges (CHGn) and units (UNITn) in the HCUP Massachusetts files do not necessarily match definitions in earlier years.

  • 1988-1993: Massachusetts reported charge details and units by aggregated revenue center categories. Hospitals were responsible for mapping UB-82 revenue center codes into Massachusetts' revenue center categories. For example, all laboratory charges that would be charged to UB-82 revenue codes 300-312, 314, 319, and 971 were aggregated and reported to Massachusetts under one category. The detailed charges and units are retained on the HCUP files in assigned positions. Refer to the tables below for UNITn revenue center definitions for 1988-1993 files.

The HCUP Massachusetts files for 1988-1993 include an "unknown revenue center" charge (UNIT43) that is not included for subsequent years. Detailed charges, excluding the "unknown revenue center" charges, can be summed to the total charges (TOTUNIT and TOTUNIT_X).

Unit Categories in 1994-1997

In 1994-1997, Massachusetts provided 81 charge and unit categories. Beginning in the 4th quarter of 1997, seven more unit categories (UNIT82-UNIT88) were added. Data quality problems often appear in the first year that data elements are added, so use these data elements with caution. The following are the UB-92 revenue centers associated with each variable:

Included UB-92 Category Variable Revenue Center
Routine Medical/Surgical UNIT1 111
Routine Obstetrics UNIT2 112
Routine Pediatrics UNIT3 113
Routine Psychiatric UNIT4 114
Routine Hospice UNIT5 115
Routine Detoxification UNIT6 116
Routine Oncology UNIT7 117
Routine Rehabilitation UNIT8 118
Other Routine Accommodation UNIT9 119
Routine Newborn UNIT10 170
Neo-Natal ICU UNIT11 175
Medical/Surgical ICU UNIT12 200
Pediatric ICU UNIT13 203
Psychiatric ICU UNIT14 204
Post Care ICU UNIT15 206
Burn Unit UNIT16 207
Trauma ICU UNIT17 208
Other Special Care ICU UNIT18 209
Coronary Care Unit UNIT19 210
Myocardial Infarction Unit UNIT20 211
Pulmonary Care Unit UNIT21 212
Heart Transplant Unit UNIT22 213
Post Coronary Care Unit UNIT23 214
Other Coronary Care Unit UNIT24 219
Special Charges UNIT25 220
Incremental Nursing Charge Rate UNIT26 230
All Inclusive Ancillary UNIT27 240
Pharmacy UNIT28 250
IV Therapy UNIT29 260
Medical/Surgical Supplies UNIT30 270
Oncology UNIT31 280
Durable Medical Equipment UNIT32 290
Laboratory UNIT33 300
Laboratory Pathological UNIT34 310
Diagnostic Radiology UNIT35 320
Therapeutic Radiology UNIT36 330
Nuclear Medicine UNIT37 340
CAT Scan UNIT38 350
Surgical Service (OR) UNIT39 360
Anesthesia UNIT40 370
Blood UNIT41 380
Blood Storage/Processing UNIT42 390
Other Imaging Services UNIT43 400
Respiratory Services UNIT44 410
Physical Therapy UNIT45 420
Occupational Therapy UNIT46 430
Speech-Language Pathology UNIT47 440
Emergency Room UNIT48 450
Pulmonary Function UNIT49 460
Audiology UNIT50 470
Cardiology UNIT51 480
Ambulatory Surgical Care UNIT52 490
Outpatient Services before Admission (Invalid for Inpatient Services) UNIT53 500
Clinic (Invalid for Inpatient Purposes) UNIT54 510
Ambulance UNIT55 540
Medical Social Services UNIT56 560
MRI UNIT57 610
Med./Surg. Supplies (extends 270) UNIT58 620
Drugs Req. Specific Identification UNIT59 630
Hospice Services UNIT60 650
Cast Room UNIT61 700
Recovery Room UNIT62 710
Labor Room/Delivery UNIT63 720
EEG UNIT65 740
Gastro-Intestinal Services UNIT66 750
Treatment or Observation Room UNIT67 760
Lithotripsy UNIT68 790
Inpatient Renal Dialysis UNIT69 800
Organ Acquisition UNIT70 810
Dialysis (National Assignment) UNIT71 860
Miscellaneous Dialysis UNIT72 880
Other Donor Bank UNIT73 890
Psychiatric/Psycholog. Treatments UNIT74 900
Psychiatric/Psychological Services UNIT75 910
Other Diagnostic Services UNIT76 920
Other Therapeutic Services UNIT77 940
Other Ancillary Services UNIT78 950
Professional Fees UNIT79 960
Professional Fees UNIT80 970
Professional Fees UNIT81 980
Chronic UNIT82 192 (Available 4th qtr 1997)
Sub-Acute UNIT83 196 (Available 4th qtr 1997)
TCU UNIT84 197 (Available 4th qtr 1997)
SNF UNIT85 198 (Available 4th qtr 1997)
Treatment Room UNIT86 761 (Available 4th qtr 1997)
Observation Room UNIT87 762 (Available 4th qtr 1997)
Other Observation Room UNIT88 769 (Available 4th qtr 1997)

Charge Categories in 1988-1993

For 1988-1993, Massachusetts provided 43 charge categories. The following are the revenue centers associated with each variable:

Included UB-92 Category Variable Revenue Center
Routine Medical/Surgical UNIT1 111, 121, 131, 141, 151
Routine Obstetrics UNIT2 112, 122, 132, 142, 152
Routine Pediatrics UNIT3 113, 123, 133, 143, 153
Routine Psychiatric UNIT4 114, 124, 134, 144, 154
Routine Other UNIT5 119, 129, 139, 149, 159
Routine Newborn UNIT6 170, 171, 172, 179
Neo-Natal ICU UNIT7 175
Medical/Surgical ICU UNIT8 201, 202
Pediatric ICU UNIT9 203
Psychiatric ICU UNIT10 204
Burn Unit UNIT11 207
Other ICU UNIT12 209
Coronary Care Unit UNIT13 210
Pharmacy UNIT14 250-259
IV Therapy UNIT15 260
Medical/Surg Supplies UNIT16 270, 272-275, 277-279, 290-292, 299
Laboratory UNIT17 300-307, 309-312, 314, 319, 971
Diagnostic Radiology UNIT18 320-321, 324, 329, 400-402, 409, 972
Therapeutic Radiology UNIT19 330-333, 335, 339, 973
Nuclear Medicine UNIT20 340-342, 349, 974
CAT Scanner UNIT21 350-352, 359
Surgical Service (OR) UNIT22 360-362, 367, 369, 975
Anesthesiology UNIT23 370, 374, 379, 963-964
Blood UNIT24 380-382, 389
Blood Storage Proc & Adm UNIT25 390-391, 399
Respiratory Therapy UNIT26 410, 412-413, 419, 976
Physical Therapy UNIT27 420, 429, 977
Occupational Therapy UNIT28 430, 439, 978
Speech Therapy UNIT29 440, 449, 979
Emergency Room UNIT30 450, 459, 981
Pulmonary Function UNIT31 460, 469
Audiology UNIT32 470-472, 479
Cardiac Catheterization UNIT33 480-482, 489
Ambulance UNIT34 540-545, 549
Recovery Room UNIT35 710, 719
Labor and Delivery UNIT36 720-724, 729
EKG UNIT37 730-731, 739, 985
EEG UNIT38 740, 749, 922, 986
Renal Dialysis UNIT39 800-802, 805-814, 880-881
Kidney Acquisition UNIT40 860-866
Psychology/Psychiatry UNIT41 900-903, 909-919, 961
Other Ancillary UNIT42 280, 490, 499, 510-512, 519, 530-531, 539, 560, 700, 709, 750, 759, 890-893, 899, 920-921,929, 940-943, 949, 960, 962, 969, 984, 987, 988, 989
Unknown Revenue Center UNIT43 Includes charges for which the UB-82 revenue center was invalid, not used by Massachusetts Rate Setting Commission, or unspecified.


Detailed charges (CHGn) are associated with the identified revenue centers (REVCDn) and units of service (UNITn). For example, CHG1 applies to the revenue center in REVCD1 and the units of service specified in UNIT1.

In the rare event that there were more revenue charges than could be retained in the array of revenue codes, charges, and units, Nevada set the revenue code to "9999", the charge to the sum of the remaining charges, and the units to the sum of the remaining units.

New Jersey

Beginning in 2008, New Jersey provided units of service assocaited with specific revenue centers.

Units of services assocaited with unit categories were discontinued in 2008.

The unit categories from New Jersey are:

UNIT1 Medical-Surgical Days
UNIT2 Obstetric Days
UNIT3 Pediatric Days
UNIT4 Psychiatric Days
UNIT5 Burn Care Unit Days
UNIT6 Intensive Care Unit Days
UNIT7 Coronary Care Unit Days
UNIT8 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Days
UNIT9 Newborn Nursery Days
UNIT10 Emergency Room Visits
UNIT11 Clinic Visits
UNIT12 Home Health Visits
UNIT13 Anesthesiology Minutes Used
UNIT14 Cardiac Catheterization Procedures
UNIT15 Delivery and/or Gyn Procedures
UNIT16 Dialysis Treatments
UNIT17 Times Drugs or Pharmacy Used
UNIT18 Electrocardiograms
UNIT19 Laboratory Tests
UNIT20 Number of Medical Surgical Supplies
UNIT21 Number of EEGs and EMGs
UNIT22 Nuclear Medicine Procedures
UNIT23 Occupational Therapy Visits
UNIT24 Operating Room Procedures
UNIT25 Organ Transplants
UNIT26 Physical Therapy Visits
UNIT27 Psychiatric Hours (Spent with Patient)
UNIT28 Times Radiology Used
UNIT29 Respiratory Therapy Treatments
UNIT30 Speech Pathology Visits
UNIT31 Therapeutic Radiology Procedures
UNIT32 Same Day Surgery Visits
UNIT33 Excluded Revenue Codes
UNIT34 Non-Acute Ancillary Revenue Codes
UNIT35 Medicare, Part B, Non-Acute Codes

North Carolina

Beginning in 2002, detailed charges (CHGn) are associated with the identified revenue centers (REVCDn) and units of service (UNITn), and daily rates (RATEn). For example, CHG1 applies to the revenue center in REVCD1, the units of service specified in UNIT1, and the rate in RATE1. North Carolina reports detailed charges (CHGn) associated with standard UB-92 revenue codes stored in REVCDn.

For 2002-2003 data, charge detail was incorrect for about 1% of the discharges. Some facilities in North Carolina reused their record identifiers across fiscal years (starting each October). This means that two distinct discharges share an identical state-supplied record identifier. The charge detail for the different discharges were erroneously combined because of the identical record identifiers. There is no way to determine which HCUP records have this problem.

Prior to 2002, North Carolina provided 10 detail charges.

Detailed charges (CHGn) are associated with identified revenue centers (REVCDn), units of service (UNITn) and rates (RATEn). For example, CHG1 applies to the revenue center in REVCD1, the units of service specified in UNIT1, and the rate in RATE1. Arkansas reports detailed charges (CHGn) associated with standard UB-92 revenue codes stored in REVCDn. Arkansas does not collapse or redefine ranges of revenue codes.

In rare instances, Arkansas reported total charges in the detailed charge arrays (REVCDn = "0001 "). When this occurred, the corresponding revenue code, detail charge, rate, and unit were retained as detailed charges. For all records, Arkansas reported a separate total charges field which is available in the HCUP variables TOTCHG and TOTCHG_X.

South Carolina

Negative values were set to invalid (.A) during HCUP processing.

Beginning in 2005 South Carolina provided the charge detail in a separate, linkable file that included detailed charges which are associated with revenue centers and units of service. Due to incomplete charge information, this information was not retained on the HCUP databases in 2005. The line item revenue codes were used to assign the HCUP outpatient identifiers (HCUP_AS, HCUP_ED, and HCUP_OS) and also used to subtract professional fees from total charges but there is no detailed charge information on the 2005 South Carolina SASD and SEDD.

Prior to 2005, South Carolina provided HCUP with discretely defined charge buckets, and associated units of service.

From 1996-2005

South Carolina supplied 19 unit categories:

Unit Category Description
UNIT1 All Inclusive Rate units
UNIT2 Room & Board - General medical units
UNIT3 Room & Board - Psych units
UNIT4 Room & Board - Hospice units
UNIT5 Room & Board - Detox units
UNIT6 Room & Board - Oncology units
UNIT7 Room & Board - Rehab units
UNIT8 Room & Board - Other units
UNIT9 Nursery - Levels I & Other units
UNIT10 Nursery - Level II units
UNIT11 Nursery - Level III units
UNIT12 Nursery - Level IV units
UNIT13 ICU units
UNIT14 ICU - Pediatric units
UNIT15 ICU - Psych units
UNIT16 ICU - Intermediate ICU units
UNIT17 ICU - Burn Unit units
UNIT18 Coronary Care units
UNIT19 Coronary Care - Intermediate CCU units

Prior to 1995

South Carolina supplied 11 unit categories:

Unit Category Description
UNIT1 Room & Board - general medical units
UNIT2 Room & Board - psychology units
UNIT3 Room & Board - detoxification units
UNIT4 Room & Board - oncology units
UNIT5 Room & Board - rehabilitation units
UNIT6 Room & Board - other units
UNIT7 Nursery units
UNIT8 Premature nursery units
UNIT9 Neonatal ICU units
UNIT10 ICU units
UNIT11 CCU units


Units of service (UNITn) refer to the revenue centers (REVCDn) and are reflected in the detailed charges (CHGn). For example, CHG1 applies to the revenue center in REVCD1 and the units of service specified in UNIT1.

Units are not required for all revenue sources; the units field may be coded as missing (.) or zero. See notes under revenue codes (REVCDn) for the associated units.

for 2000-2004, if total charges are identified in the detail charges (REVCDn = "001"), the corresponding detail charge, unit, and revenue code are set to missing. Beginning with 2005, total charges are kept in the detailed charges.

West Virginia

Detailed charges (CHGn) are associated with identified revenue centers (REVCDn) and units of service (UNITn). For example, CHG1 applies to the revenue center in REVCD1 and the units of service specified in UNIT1. West Virginia reports detailed charges (CHGn) associated with standard UB-92 revenue codes stored in REVCDn. West Virginia does not collapse or redefine ranges of revenue codes.

The first 12 variables in each array (CHG1-CHG12, REVCD1-REVCD12, and UNIT1-UNIT12) are reserved for room and board services; the remaining variables are used for ancillary services.


Internet Citation: HCUP Central Distributor SID Description of Data Elements - All States. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). February 2025. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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