TOTCHG_IP contains the edited total charge for the inpatient stay, including the emergency department charges. Editing includes the following:
- Values are rounded to the nearest dollar;
- Zero charges are set to missing (.);
- If total charges are excessively low (ETCHG01) or high (ETCHG02), then TOTCHG_IP is set to inconsistent (.C). The limits for excessively low and high total charges vary by year.
- For inpatient data, the allowable values for total charges vary by year: total charges are allowed to be between $25 and $1.0 million, inclusive in 1998 to 2006; between $100 and $1.5 million, inclusive, in 2007 to 2010; between $100 and $5.0 million beginning in 2011 data; and between $100 and $10 million beginning in 2016 data.
- For outpatient data, the allowable values for total charges vary by year: total charges are allowed to be between $25 and $50,000, inclusive, in 1998 to 2006; between $100 and $75,000, inclusive, in 2007 to 2010; and between $100 and $950,000 beginning in 2011 data.
Generally, inpatient total charges (TOTCHG_IP) do not include professional fees and non-covered charges. If the data source provides total charges with professional fees, then the professional fees are removed from the charge during HCUP processing.