AHRQ has released new information in HCUP
Fast Stats.
- Two sections of the National Hospital Utilization and Costs topic, Trends in Inpatient Stays and Most Common Diagnoses for Inpatient Stays, have been updated to include national statistics and top diagnoses for 2017. The Trends in Inpatient Stays section presents national trends in inpatient utilization across a variety of patient characteristics. The Most Common Diagnoses for Inpatient Stays section presents the most common conditions listed as the principal diagnosis for hospital inpatient stays by year and across a variety of patient characteristics.
- The Hurricane Impact on Hospital Use topic has been updated to delineate three new medical conditions - circulatory conditions, infections, and respiratory conditions. This topic presents the percent change in population-based inpatient and emergency department (ED) utilization rates post- versus pre-hurricane for 11 U.S hurricanes between 2005 and 2017. In addition to the three new medical conditions, hospital utilization statistics are provided for all conditions and for injuries by age group and county proximity to the hurricane.