AHRQ has released new information in
HCUP Fast Stats.
- The new Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM) Among In-Hospital Deliveries topic provides trends in SMM-related in-hospital deliveries at the national level and for 47 States and the District of Columbia. Rates of SMM per 10,000 in-hospital deliveries are presented overall as well as by age, race, expected payer, community-level income, patient location, safety-net hospital status, hospital location/teaching status, hospital ownership, and hospital delivery volume. The number of SMM-related in-hospital deliveries is also presented overall.
- The Opioid-Related Hospital Use topic has been updated to include new inpatient and emergency department (ED) data. Since the last update in April 2020, this topic now includes additional 2018 inpatient data (13 States), 2018 ED data (12 States), 2019 inpatient data (48 States), 2019 ED data (38 States), 2020 quarterly inpatient data (21 States), and 2020 quarterly ED data (6 States).
- The Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Among Newborn Hospitalizations topic has been updated to include new inpatient data. Since the last update in August 2020, this topic now includes additional 2018 data (4 States) and 2019 data (47 States).